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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Maturin


    #checks in to Volga for the first time in two months.... Shitty lagging camera stil. #Checks straight back out again. Nice girl that Julia but fuck that camera. Cheerio.
  2. Herding young people who probably don't know any better into some barely furnished compound, expecting them to perform to make you money, then quibbling with them over agreed rates of pay because - profit margins, is fucking gross. Is this where the "voyeur," industry is at now? @Voyeur House TV you need to think really long and hard about whether this is a sustainable/ethical route that you want your business to go down - I'll give you a clue, it really isn't.
  3. Hopefully either Silvia or Josh one of whom is a member of CC will drop by to give their version of events.
  4. It's a complete fabrication. They genuinely think we're stupid enough to buy the idea that Josh went around for 6 to 4 hours telling people that he was going to steal all the tech, made no moves to steal the tech and then was illegally evicted for not stealing the tech. Bullshit.
  5. Bullshit!! This was a slow brewing thing and who would evict someone at that time in the morning. Try again. Bullshit!! This bullshit above along with the actual evidence of the company they keep says more negatively about Alex and Lina than it does about Silvia and Josh. Just look at this shitty cheap apartment block that they expect people to live in for another thing. Fuck these wankers and I definitely won't consider subscribing whilst these jokers continue to be "managers". Then they insult our intelligence with a pack of lies?! I'm thinking that Alex and Lina are actually part of the VH project owners but if not then @Voyeur House TV you should seriously consider dropping them from your roster. Their poor decision making will probably have you in court next time around.
  6. I hope this finally puts an end to calls for couples that were previously having regular sex and being naked all the time to move in with other couples that they don't know, in the ridiculous hope that they'd start having swapping orgies all the time.
  7. If S&J get a decent apartment on their own with good cameras and angles then I'll subscribe. I was just about to subscribe when they were moved into this shithole, glad I held off, it's been a disaster for them.
  8. Why are you waiting for that and how long do you think you'll have to wait for? Do you have other goals in life?
  9. Eh? Could you do everyone a favour and pick one theme and expand on that rather than typing random sentences as they come into your head?
  10. Great, I guess we'll get to see how a kid raised on a diet of cheesy puffs and candy turns grows up.
  11. I'm more concerned about what I can see, or can't see. I wish this table would be moved, or the cameras, or even give them a decent sofa to sit on in front of it. They are in the kitchen quite a lot to watch TV but the table blocks the view. Good to see that they can be in the same room as each other anyway.
  12. I get you're not talking about Groomy and this case in particular but what you're asking is two sides of the same coin. If someone didn't like the information that you were translating and asked you to stop then they have about as much "right" to expect you to do what they say as someone that asks Groomy to carry on, none! The only way I think that you could be stopped is by the mods if for example you were translating their personal address details etc - but that will be a request to stop because of an infringement on site policy which is fair enough. To ask or expect you to stop for any other reason is nonsense because no one owns you, you're not an employee or contracted to do (or not) do something by the rest of us - which is my point with Groomy. It really doesn't matter what his excuse or reason is, if he doesn't want to do something then, meh he doesn't have to do it. Private contact details are too private to be sharing on here, I think anything else goes - but I don't expect anyone else to agree with me on that, particularly if the someone that disagrees with me also holds information that they personally think is too private. Interesting discussion anyway.
  13. There's two pages worth of this now mate, whilst it might not be literal shit, it certainly doesn't smell of roses!
  14. None of the tenants speak English though. No matter what language is spoken, it's still no excuse for giving someone a load of shit when they are under no obligation to provide you with anything. You'd be better off directing all this anger at VH and demanding that they get English speaking tenants or they start using your subscription money to pay for a live translator. Translating is actually pretty hard, depending on your level with each language, especially from Russian. If I had the skill to do it then I'd definitely think twice about putting the effort in to help non-Russian speakers here if I knew I was gonna get a barrage of shite for the times when I didn't feel like it.
  15. It's not Groomy's project is it? You aren't paying Groomy a monthly subscription in return for him/her to translate interesting scenes and developments, are you? You can speak about rights all you want but the only right that exists here is that of a fellow member who doesn't want to do something for whatever reason. Really surprised that this is still going on - Groomy doesn't want to translate it, deal with it!
  16. Hopefully they've been thrown out and have been told that they must tidy the house in order to recieve their final pay check.
  17. It's a pretty good suggeston but I bet even Grisha and Maria are still getting a lot of clicks because people remember the potential they had so they still click because of the chance something might be going on. Maybe this is even how currently their performance/bonus is worked out because these potatoes are still here with no sign of being dropped. It would be better if the metric used was number of hours watched per month. Obviously if there is someting interesting going on then the total viewer hours would be much higher than the total number of hours viewed otherwise. Indeed the clicks total should be much lower because people click once and stay there. Good suggestion anyway.
  18. Maturin


    Unless they do hide the banana magic tricks then this'll be a dud.
  19. Maturin


    The new girls seem more likely to do sexy VV stuff. Mona would be better off over at the shit Barca apartments.
  20. Maturin


    I agree, I had high hopes for Mona but the new two girls seem much more free.
  21. Maturin


    Something might happen, it's only been 24 hours since they've been put together.
  22. Maturin


    Here's some vid caps of her when she was naked this morning. Theres no story to it or sexy times involved, just random times I pressed record but her body is smoking hot and I wonder what she is recording on her phone. I'm thinking she uses Whatsapp or Viber but doesn't type, just records what she wants to text and sends that. If we have a Russian speaker then listening to it they might be able to translate. https://mab.to/hrWezJpSe
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