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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Haha, regular casting couch is a great idea. SHe'd then move to the bedroom and if people wanted to see more then out comes the credit card - but there has to be someting to draw them in first.
  2. I wonder how the total would be affected if you took out the ridiculous posts such as: 9.15 am, XXX wakes up 9.16am, XXX gets out of bed 9.17am, XXX shows boobs 9.18am XXX shower, boobs 53 minutes ago, FratBoy said: Why evri one soo mean too me? I hate XXX she's waste of monies, I have right to my opinion, why hating me? 52 minutes ago, GenericBore said: Fuck you! I disagree with what you just wrote, so you are a fucking dick. I love XXX, she's my bae. I want to put my wee wee in her pee pee. She my wife now. 51 minutes ago, FratBoy said: FUck you back!!! This forum is so shit because of people like you. STOP DISAGREEING WITH ME. 50 minutes ago, GenericBore said: YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH ME. FUck you. CC is fucking dead. RLC is fucking dead. 49 minutes ago, FratBoy said: Stop paying for it then doofus. 48 minutes ago, GenericBore said: NOOOO. yOU STOP PAYING FOR IT FIRST. 47 minutes ago, FratBoy said: NOOOOOO. Stop telling me to stop paying for it when I told you to stop paying for it. Stop copying me or I'm telling the MODS. etc etc etc
  3. It's the best position for a free cam. The top one was a rubbish angle and picture - it wasn't really selling the good picture quality to potential subscribers. I've always thought that each apartment needs one good free cam, good quality, interesting location, otherwise the free cam isn't doing its job of advertising the site. There are lots of other free cams that aren't really doing their job and should be moved to maximise their mission, what do you think @Voyeur House TV and @voyeur-villa?
  4. Well, seems like a party just dropped upon her!
  5. If they even existed in the first place - it seems me that A&L always seem to have an excuse as to why they are not personally to blame.
  6. 110% agree. That compound was a disgusting idea, disgustingly managed filled with people that tried their hardest to make it work yet were fucked over by their managers.
  7. You say local managment but surely the buck stops at Alex and Lina. Don't forget it was them that had the problem with Jess and Sam also trying to steal the cameras because of payment issues, there was no "local" manager their just A&L. I think you are too trusting of what they are telling you. These problems whether they are caused by A&L or not ultimately show that these people are not the type of persons you should be working with - in fact I genuinely think that they are taking you for fools. I hope that you can find places for these kids too, they are pretty young and they've been fucked over even more by A&L compared to us the viewers or even yourselves at VH. I think you should give them business advice to set themselves up as managers of only themselves (in seperate apartments per couple) and definitely try to get Josh and Silvia back as it was obvious from the start that they had a valid argument and were done wrong by the "local" manager and Alex and Lina. Time to show some management skills VH and help the people who perform to make your business successful.
  8. Fair enough. I hope they do start doing some other things too but I also hope it's what they want to do rather than what's imposed on them in order to chase ratings.
  9. I just hope they get given a chance. They're doing everything right at the moment. She strikes me as a similar character to Sylvia - ok in one-to-one situations but not in large groups. It would be crap if they were forced to live with other people or have regualr visitors because VH thought that for some reason they would all start having massive orgies etc (which never appears to happen!)
  10. It's called Voyeur House, yet above are calls for them to do things that we or at least some people want. Isn't it enough that apartments like the compound and A&A sit down every week and try to think of the best way to get new subscribers, putting on fake parties or playing games naked just to clinically get their ratings up? Here we have a couple that, like S&J, are regularly nude, have a load of sex and just do what they want - why isn't that enough? They are naked and like to have sex all the time, good enough for me.
  11. Are people really complaining that they are having too much sex, already?
  12. Sure. I'm only gonna send it to those I recognise have been on here for a while, so anyone else, don't get annoyed if I don't reply.
  13. I'll send you a PM with how to deal with that. It's a tip Stonecold gave but it's better to PM instead of writing here as it's better that RLC don't know about it.
  14. Ah but Demid never would have allowed any lesbian shenanigans, so it-s too early to call that.
  15. Dasha without Demid will be awesome. She was ace before he sucked the life out of her.
  16. The main reason why I will not subscribe to RLC is because of their non existent engagement or willigness to listen or act on the suggestions of their subscribers. I've always thought that CC is the type of marketing tool that RLC is too backward to recognise that they need and has done more for the company than they deserve. There is no chance that RLC would have the amount of subscribers it does if CC did not host pictures and clips of what the apartments offer and it's about time that RLC pulled its finger out of its ass and accepted that there's a good partnership to be had here. Look at the communication from their competitors, VV, VH and Camarads all communicate here and listen to their subscribers - they are far more liked and respected and personally I would much rather spend money with them than RLC who leave me with the impression that its a bunch of people who think they've found a magic money tree and people will just throw money at them no matter what boring apartments they put up. DMCA notices becasue you think free marketing might hurt your subscriber base??? To me that says RLC's subscriber base is dropping and they have some stupid fuck in charge that thinks its because of marketing rather than shitty fucking apartments - RLC, seriously, you need to get rid of the person that think s DMCA notices will solve your issues, they are barking up the wrong tree!
  17. Maturin


    If you can get Silvia and Josh from VH, I think you'll get a lot of customers!
  18. NIce update thanks for clarifying. Seriously though, you should reach out to Silvia and Josh and set them up in their own apartment if they want to. Having them in the compound was the only reason I would click on the compound, now they are gone I don't go there. I find it hard to believe the manager's excuse that they weren't making much money as they were one of the most popular couples and easily were being naked and having more sex than pretty much any apartment you have at VH. Get Silvia and Josh back under their own managment, they are a big asset to have.
  19. Maturin


    It was about midnight and she was on top of him, back to camera, so I couldn't see. Am thinking maybe she pinched him hard or something.
  20. Maturin


    Well, great. The camera problem is sorted. It's covered by the curtain, again, and appears to be working great. Wonderful.
  21. Maturin


    I like this Asian couple (when the cameras work). She was giving him a massage last night then did something funny but painful to him as a joke. Then did it again once he'd relaxed. She was pissing herself with laughter. Good stuff! This could be a great couple, but please get the bloody camera sorted or at least update us on it @voyeur-villa
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