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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. He constantly rubbing his dick with his hands in his underpants, infrom of his male friend. Weird.
  2. Eric probably wants Julia to go out for a few hours so he can see what happens with the Canadian.
  3. Yeah definitely. He has no clue what to do when trying to have sex with Julia and he's looking proper into his "boyfriend," on the sofa.
  4. "Of course you have the right to protest, this is land of the free and Deeemocraseee after all so go on right ahead and... whoa, whoa, whoa, the hell you think you're doing boy? You can protest but just do it in a way that doesn't catch my attention." Bullshit.
  5. Maturin


    Nice one :) Glad to see some more people joining too!
  6. Maybe their managers are screwing them over with their wages again.
  7. Jesus H Christ, there must be something in the water, V&J have only been there for a week and look how they've aged.
  8. "Whoa, they've blocked anything interesting from being seen on the freecam. Gosh darn it, where's my credit card, I need to sign up straight away!!" - said nobody, ever.
  9. I could watch her play PS4, especially if she regularly does that "knee-trembling," thing. That was an orgasm right? If so then already it's 1000% better than watching Lev!
  10. Maturin


    @voyeur-villa It would be a good move to get a TV for the living for this apartment. It would give them all a focal point instead of all the walking around or sitting on the sofa staring at their phones we see now. A lot of the other apartments have porn watching parties on their TVs, I reckon it would be a good idea to have that in Volga too. Zoe used to do that a lot in Tver and it was excellent.
  11. More stretching in the living room please Kitty, that little stretch was awsome!
  12. Non American here too, I think what all these people are doing is a form of protest against where certain people are taking their country. It's because they respect America so much and what it is supposed to be, the land of the free, that they are taking a stand (or a knee) against the forces of hate and division. Not all Americans seem to get where they are coming from, which is a real shame.
  13. Wow, she was in the living room for maybe a whole hour whilst it was daylight outside. She even went outside for 20 minutes. Now she is back in the bedroom staring at her phone trying to look like her life has any sort of meaning.
  14. They are probably bored which leads to depression I would imagine. If they are bored then they can only blame themselves, they don't do anything yet they have a free place to live and are getting a monthly salary - they could do so much more with their lives compared to regular people like us who have to go to work to pay rent/mortgage.
  15. This couple doesn't work, has no hobbies, doesn't have sex, doesn't even masturbate (except when she is pretending to start so she can get viewers), only leave the apartment to buy food and spend all day in bed with some TV in the living room sometimes in the evening. Absolute losers and a testament to all that is wrong with RLC. Fucking pathetic, what are they expecting us to pay for exactly? About the only thing that was interesting that they did in the begining was whatever drug it was they took. Those sessions used to be quite funny. Julia and Eric if you are reading this, start doing those drugs again and give your pathetic lives a little bit of purpose!!
  16. Great stuff from Kitty on the sofa, that-s the best place Kitty!!
  17. I just copied and pasted the text I sent to your competitor. It-s worth you checking out the Misty apartment in this context because the audio is terrible. Anyways, hop my suggestion might help. Regards.
  18. Just my 2 cents anyway that maybe came out a bit more aggressively than I intended but I've been sitting on it for a while. All I'd like is some apartments with people that like to have a lot of sex, go around naked and have interesting parties whenever the mood takes them. We know these types of people exist and can do their own thing without a whip being cracked or a schedule being drawn up for them. What I'm concerned with is the planned nature that we're seeing in everything, there's no spontaneity anymore and that has to be coming from people being "managed," in order to hit targets that put extra money in the pockets of the people running the tenants.
  19. So it's fine for you because some people in certain apartments are doing thing you like? It's still sex trafficking or pimping, call it what you want. We've all been watching these types of sites for long enough to know that some individuals/couples are a good fit for this sort of thing and naturally have a lot of sex and nudity and get good ratings - good on them for doing that and I would be watching them more than the SXLGDS - however... This whole concept of a manger intervening is pretty sick. Intervene to do what? Make them fuck more? Have more parties? Plan an evening of spin the bottle, so that the manager can get more money from the work of the tenants? If that's they way things are going (it obviously is) then they need to take the "voyeur" out of their name.
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