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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Hey @Sparkles amigo, has Melissa got a pad on? πŸ€”
  2. The one burning question is.... how many tickets have you submitted? 🀣
  3. Amazingly sexy caps!!! 😍 Muchas gracias amigo 😁
  4. Hey @Sparkles amigo πŸ˜€ Have you any good cap (or two!) of Paisley from earlier today? 🀀🀀 🍻
  5. Thanks amigo 😁 Lovelt video!!! 😍❀
  6. No, no joke. I find it very sexy.... Damn! But I just can't help it! 🀀
  7. Ooooohhhh.....VERY SEXY and πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🀀 cap amigo 😁
  8. doesn't every one?!? πŸ€”
  9. @Robwin, did she put a pad on after shower/bath? πŸ€”
  10. Indeed! So why do you bother watching πŸ’©...? Do you think it's going to change anytime soon?? 🀣🀣
  11. Has Leah got a pad on? πŸ€”
  12. As Sheldon would say.... Sarcasm? 🀨 🀣
  13. Trying to build up a base of followers perhaps? 🀨 Not sure it works.... 🀣
  14. Hairy or not....looks like another apartment on timeline only...if that 🀣
  15. Nothing actually. I'm fit and well, thanks for asking 😊 I thought as much... Couldn't expect anything less from the Ticket Master 🀣
  16. Says who...? You? Are you kidding me? 🀣 Have you sent a ticket? πŸ€” What about those that like Satin...or leather outfits...or latex stuff...? You think that is weird as well? OMG!! πŸ˜‚
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