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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Kate😍😍 soooooooo πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  2. What do you mean? Like a simple blowjob? Or that the bloke will earn his red-wings?
  3. No no no no no 😒 Please don't argue girls 😒
  4. For me... simply bliss... sexy and πŸ”₯ Mmmmmm 😍
  5. I dont know about the bloke as I dont watch them ones 🀣 Kate locked the door, then shortly after opened the lock again.... Could be related to toilet routine? (if only one toilet in apartment?)
  6. She just woke up...but I thought it was a lovely cap 😊
  7. Sometimes it's just that nice to have a bath.... πŸ˜‰
  8. Muchas gracies amigos, very much appreciated! I just tried Chrome and it seems to have fixed all the problems from yesterday! πŸ˜„ πŸ‘
  9. No. Only tried on the latest IE 😐 Getting mighty fed up with it all... πŸ˜•
  10. Not the best cap, but she's not crying here...
  11. @golfer06, you're a champion🌟! Thank you very much indeed amigo.
  12. I have absolutely no idea what is going on here πŸ˜• The Archives wont load properly and any webpage within crashes as soon as I try to watch a video πŸ™ But I will look again amigo πŸ‘Š
  13. Anyone else who have problems with watching the Archived videos?!? πŸ€” Every single video I try, and the webpage crashes πŸ˜₯ Doesn't matter which apartment I try to watch. I've tried to restart the browser and also reboot the computer, but so far no luck πŸ˜• VHTV- I think it goes without saying it will be a looooong time before I rejoin when current subscription runs out - if ever - if I end up paying for a service not provided 🀬
  14. So I'm looking in the Archives and can't find this video..... What's going on?!? πŸ€”
  15. Hola amigo 😊 Amy&Jane, bathroom, 02/10/18, around 21:00 Amy&Jane, livingroom, 02/10/18, around 21:46 (+/- a few mins) Amy&Jane, Livingroom, 02/10/18, around 22:16 (+/- a few mins) Amy&Jane, livingroom, 0210/18, around 22:30, oralfun
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