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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. Got to he clean πŸ˜‰ for all the munching 😍 πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©
  2. I hear you brother. Shame really. Place certainly had potential....maybe still do...but need something magical
  3. I was referring to the number of pages with comments πŸ˜‰
  4. I know 🀣 it was idiotic of him to say she was also his wife. What about calling them friends with benefits? Or something along those lines? πŸ€”
  5. Absolutely! It could be anything really. It was pretty idiotic to call her his unoficially second wife though. Adds a lot to speculations and possible theories 🀣
  6. Looks like the girls are doing great πŸ˜ƒ
  7. You lost for words?!? Surely not...!! 🀣 I suspect its as simple as just being class and a gentleman πŸ‘
  8. I didn't realise they opened today 🀣 I don't really follow this couple because of at least one very obvious thing... But I don't diss them either 😊
  9. Yes! 🀣🀣🀣 ps: although there might be someone who likes to watch them doing the last finishing touches πŸ˜‰
  10. x2 I think the request system works really well 😁 And Golfer has been a proper champion πŸ† in helping out! πŸ‘
  11. Different people want to see different things, and Im ok with that 😊 I must admit watching pooping is not my kind of thing, but I rather not watch it than being told I cant! Placing a big black box there is something I find extremely irritating. It's okay to show anal sex and anal creampies etc etc - some in close up! But for modesty reasons, we have to put a black box over toilet area..?!? πŸ€” Now that is something you should laugh about... in my humble opinion of course.
  12. Hope she is ready... β˜‚οΈβ˜‚οΈβ˜‚οΈ 😁
  13. Oh....Okay. I thought perhaps there was a reason she was wearing them... 😊 Oh well, never mind. πŸ“
  14. Hey @Sparkles, have you noticed a string? (for Kate) Reason she is wearing panties and doing loads of bj's….?!? πŸ€”
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