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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. Think you missed the point Bear..Simply stated some apartments are easy to place as to what kind of activity you will see most often due to the residents. This apartment seems to change daily.. That's all..no worries..
  2. Lola hasn't given his too much slack since that morning..maybe he hit on her..Hanna usually is more friendly with strangers but she even stayed pretty much away from this guy too.I thought it might be Otto's brother or something..
  3. Be a little more sexy to have them sign contracts somewhere else..almost like moving into a real house..She's cute btw
  4. I think F&K will move out and get their own place..lol
  5. Nina's gonna put a leash on it and tie it to the dog house.. haha Nothing personal Kirby
  6. This apartment seems to morph daily.. No one is sure what it's gonna be when it grows up.. I think Alan is just putting his body out there to let anyone do something sexual with it..it's as close as you can get to a concubine. Just the way he rolls. Foxy is cracking me up with all the grown kids she has there..It's like a daycare on steroids..haha guess they all went on a field trip..
  7. Headed for a funeral? Even Alan has a black shirt and tie on at Kira's
  8. One last thing to say about this. I'm still not into a guy beating on a girl, slapping, hitting, overpowering, ect but he did show some caring after I had never seen from him..I'm with you ash if all he did was take, I'll hand you the hammer. Serena seems to show affection for him so who am I to criticize her choice. If you hurt her and don't take care of her then Ash and I are coming for you..cheers!! had my say
  9. Just not a guy on girl fan..that's all..enjoy..
  10. Too hard core for me..wish Serena didn't put up with it..
  11. Should be an interesting evening..Is Nina gone now? Last time I saw her was at Foxy's and Kira..
  12. Just a thought..Stells's friends are in the same time zone. Looks like they are waiting for a place..wonder...
  13. Thanks for the post S&S.. anxious to have you back..Cheers
  14. Noticed the lesbian signage is down, Allgirls doesn't seem to be working..how about "Venus Fly Trap" lol
  15. Foxy is a mystery to me..probably what attracts me..Maybe he's new to her..seems to be breaking him normal and slow..
  16. Think she would be bored with a normal date.. If so would probably be a girl..Think your right Z..
  17. Foxy is amazing..Kira is a good complement to the pair..Yay we got them back.
  18. If so he might want to package up that Kielbasa.. Pretty sure she has no protection..Hate to see him only get 11 inches out before it's too late..
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