I replied..but edited my last comment.
It's so sad when this happens...drinking alcohol comes with responsibility.
A lesson learned...know when you have had enough ..and stop drinking.
Now now children..play nicely.
what a group of unintelligent immature fuckwits.
If you aren't responsible enough to handle alcohol, don't drink it.
Now it's time to grow up and behave like adults.
Is it just me, or does anyone detect a frostiness between lexy and Dean?
Several times during this party Dean has tried to grope Lexy and she forcefully pushes him away.
A beautiful sensual horny girl like Lexy deserves better than these lame immature brain dead piss artists.
C'mon VHTV...get some real men on this project.
The females on VHTV are superb..most of the guys are immature alcoholic wasters.
Well that was fast...the guest guy fired his cannon almost immediately.
he jizzed all over her back and she rolled over and led on her back...that quilt cover must be minging..😯
I love it when Mira dances seductively..maybe put on some music .Mira do a sexy dance and slowly peel off her clothes would start this party going..
i live in hope!
I wish she would get rid of those cartoon tits... her breast augmentation has ruined her figure.
She was so much sexier with her small boobs and those puffy nipples.
And Dasha.... those bloody awful tattoos...what possesses beautiful young girls to contaminate their bodies with tattoos?
Beats the shit out of me.
I find the recent interactions very odd indeed.
sasha sleeping on the futon, and the girls dry humping in the bedroom..
This relationship is seriously fucked up IMHO.
I was watching this...very slow burn..I got to 3am uk time and had to go to bed, I'm at work at 8am...
Damn..would have loved to see the action when it finally arrived.
Ana isn't exactly a participant in this party.. she's been asleep on the couch for ages..
Would love to see the blonde girl in the blue dress fucked on the table... she is very pretty.
( the table is preferred because I'm not a subscriber and I would get a better view on the freecams..ha ha )
All I saw was one of the guests was lying on the floor, and another guest was holding a bowl to his face in case he vomited..he looked pretty distressed .
Haven't been watching this apt much this evening, so don't know if it's alcohol related.. so not sure why he is ill..