I fully accept that real life is routine, often boring and unexciting but sadly they take it to a new level of inanity!!
They are very young people. They should be living exciting lives or be interested in the outside world instead they only watch the TV or play on the computer.
I have to agree. Watching second rate movies whenever they are at home seems such an empty life. They never appear to watch the news (none of RLC couples do!) or sport.
I always assume they live active lives outside their apartment therefore simply chilling is fine, however, I am beginning to doubt they have any depth and any interest in the wider world!!!
God forbid if the US follows Europe down the road to undemocratic socialism. The EU needs to be stopped before they create the recipe for national socialism as a rebound from total integration and monetary union.
20 million unemployed Europeans and most nations bankrupt.
The UK and US needs to save the world again (well I know the Russians took the biggest hit in the last world war, bless them!).
Obama is the worst US President since the last one!!! Come to think of it has there ever been a good one!!!
Has Maya been recorded masturbating?
I know a vid of Alma was posted by mistake on this thread. Are you sure you have the right girl?
It's good to know we have some women on this forum. It's great to get a female perspective on what is happening in RLC. Keep posting and let us know what you think.
Stefan completely dominates Alma. He uses her as a sex toy that can be discarded whenever he has finished with it.
He does not appear to offer any love and affection and does not seem to want to be friends with Alma's friends.
He does not appear to work (which I guess is quite common in Spain as their economy is fucked up by being members of the Euro Zone) and does not seem inclined to go and find work.
He is addicted to his computer and playing games. He does not cook or clean.
He is a complete waste of space with no prospects. Alma will have a very unhappy life if she stays with Stefan.
Leave him now Alma. Go find a man to care for you and more importantly care about you.
Rant over!!!