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Everything posted by moos54

  1. This is why Texas stops deconfining itself, because the virus no longer exists in the country, remind me which political side is the governor of Texas? I'm not American and neither is the virus, so I don't think it makes a very big difference between an American Democrat or a Republican American, besides I think it's a mistake to want to politicize this virus when you talk about the United States In France, we spent most of the first wave while hoping not to have a second, but we discover every day new cases of the virus, which has the effect of saying that this virus has not disappeared and don't make the mistake of believing it
  2. It is a societal problem because if we look even in countries where the virus is more or less under control, barrier gestures and social distancing are not necessarily respected by all, I see it every day in my work
  3. They have been on RLC since almost the beginning of the site, so I don't see why we could not keep them and at the same time have something new, they have already done so in the past, so they can do it again
  4. yes Ukraine is not mentioned, but the other countries of the Balkans either so I wonder if speaking of Russia, it does not include all the countries of this part of the world
  5. We have Spanish and Czech couples on RLC so I don't see how it would be impossible to open roommates apartments in these two countries for RLC I'm not asking to replace the GOV girls, I'm asking to reopen the roommates concept with new apartments and new participants
  6. Apparently Europe must review every two weeks the situation with the countries prohibited on the territory Spain has decided to be less permissive than other European countries, like with Algeria for example
  7. it is true that they could revive from its ashes the real concept of roommates as with R1 or R2 which were apartments really very interesting to follow all these years I'm sure we can also have the same thing in Spain or in the Czech Republic
  8. Out of four moderators, we are only two to be subscribers to RLC, the others cannot comment on what they cannot see But we all make comments in our own name in the forum without highlighting our moderator status
  9. I have no doubt when you say that Leora is this kind of girl but unfortunately most of her things, you can only know them by knowing her social medias and this does not come from what we can see through the RLC cameras If I want, I can do exactly the same description with all the GOV girls, also knowing them on social medias I may be wrong in giving point of view but Leora just gives me the impression of being a camgirl on the internet because it's almost the only thing I see of her on RLC My opinion is surely false but what I conclude from it when I look at her, because of not having anything else People can criticize the other girls as much as they want but Leora, especially since Malia's arrival, does exactly what the others do, masturbations, massages, shows, research to be in top cam, for my part I don't see big differences
  10. Why a moderator would not have the right to comment or give his opinion? we are humans like the others, with points of view and desires like everything to everyone Have you ever seen moderators not intervening in their forum like normal members? I am a member in various forums and that does not prevent them from intervening as a member and also as a moderator when they have to do it, that does not detract from their role within their community, well on the contrary
  11. It is not me who makes the rules or the laws, I am simply present to make them respect as often as possible For example, it is forbidden to kill another person without suffering the consequences, tell yourself that on the forum it's the same thing, it is forbidden to insult another person without suffering the consequences it's as simple as that even if you don't find it fair, the only person to blame is yourself
  12. I am not just a simple moderator, like you I am a simple member of this forum and I am also a subscriber to RLC I'm not the only moderator who gives his point of view, for example thestarider does it quite often too We all have a different idea of what RLC can be and we also have different desires This is why I like this forum because it allows us to have exchanges with different points of view while remaining respectful of that of others.
  13. It’s not you who loves the kind of comment that says girls fuck everyone when they come out of the apartment, why would it be different for leora in this case? I still want to say that she left all night and that she only came back in the early morning, if it had been done by a GOV girl, she would already have been full of insult or innuendo that she earned a lot of money Are you naive enough to tell yourself that Leora only went out all night for a coffee? or that there is the possibility of other things? Like I said, Leora acts the same way as others, except that we insult others and I really find it hard to understand that
  14. I think I'm not the only moderator to do this when your posts go against the rules of this forum so you can also blame them or just look you in the mirror to see the real culprit
  15. I hope you understand that this is in no way a criticism of the choices of Leora or Fiora I'm just trying to understand why one girl is subject to criticism while another is dubbed for all her sins, even if they do the same things Then I have a problem with Leora regarding her participation in RLC because after more than seven years in this project, do we really know the real Leora? Personally I thought that she had a fusion relationship with her dog Eva but she had no problem to leave her in Russia to be able to come to the Czech Republic, and I find that after a year in this country, she doesn't seem like she want to integrate more than that I don't know if you realize that but it will be a year since Leora is back on RLC in a country foreign to her, a year, it means that there is still a will on her part to want to stay , but I have not seen any attempt on her part to try to learn this language which is not hers, or at least tried to learn English, I have not seen Leora tried this to make new friends in this foreign country while there is the possibility of doing it seeing that this city is very cosmopolitan, at the same time, she never was this kind of girl even in Russia unfortunately So can we be 100% certain that Leora is the type of person you are describing? there will always be a doubt pending unfortunately and for my part I would like Leora or even Malia to be more than just girls who masturbate or do massage shows in front of cameras There is a real potential with this apartment which is not exploited and I find that really a shame I hope I have not offended the big fans of Leora because I know that she is very popular and my reflection is not intended to question her popularity this is just my opinion too
  16. Sorry Noldus but I don't see any "report" from you concerning this comment
  17. il y a des règles.... Et le post de phantom a eu pour effet de bien montrer que le post en question était contraire à celles ci
  18. Moi je vis avec mon temps, il est assez probable que les filles utilisent des applications de rencontres Il y a aussi une grande communauté Russe à Barcelone et elles peuvent donc y faire des rencontres aussi C'est comme cela que ça fonctionne généralement Moi ce qui me surprend c'est que je vois toujours des critiques envers ces filles quoi qu'elles peuvent bien faire mais que d'autres sont assez protégés alors qu'elles font exactement les mêmes choses
  19. Paul was also involved in the project, so this is quite normal Actually what I'm trying to see with Sergio, that's why it's different between a girl like Fiora and Leora, because for my part, I see the same thing in the two apartments The two masturbate in front of the cameras, either for their personal pleasure or for ours It's been several weeks now that Leora is away all weekend, and I don't think it is for a simple coffee, so it is quite likely to say that she maintains a certain relationship with one or more people outside the project, a bit like Fiora, except that Fiora brings these people into her apartment, which is not yet the case for Leora All this to say that I don't really understand why make so much difference in girls' actions I hope this gives more meaning to my words and a better understanding
  20. the moderators are humans like everyone else, which means that they do not see everything and that they are not present 24 hours a day now if you disagree with a comment or if you find that the comments are not respectful, you can always use the "report" button This is the only way for moderators to see the different posts that may not be suitable but I believe that I am not teaching you anything and that your intervention is simply made to criticize the moderators
  21. it's a shame to see that you don't take the time to explain yourself because i guess there is surely a plausible and sensible explanation on your part Unless you don't have one and in this case I understand that you prefer to criticize my intervention it shows again and again that you have a certain limit in the debate
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