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Everything posted by moos54

  1. For what it's worth, I find that his questioning about what he heard shouldn't be done in front of the cameras with millions of Americans watching him How many will have understood its clumsily and who will ingest this kind of product thinking that it will save them from the virus? He made the same mistake before when he communicated about chloroquine which has caused death self-medication He is the most important man in the united states, and because of this, he has a duty to be careful what he says, because people are very influential in the end, just see the answers from Ridgerunner to confirm it
  2. I never talked about him before this virus story so your comments are rather wrong I know where my place is, I'm French, so American politics, I don't really care, for me the politicians are all the same, if it was for the good of the people that they are fighting to have the highest place, it would be known However, the virus is a global problem where you cannot do or say anything because there is an emergency Looking for an excuse where the virus may come from will not solve the immediate problem that everyone has in their own country In France, like in many other countries, we are in need of masks, tests, respirators, but as far as you do not see the politicians said to the whole world that it is the fault of China that we are bad prepare to fight this virus We can blame it on ourselves and our government, which has mistreated health services over the years by reducing posts and stocks of equipment If we had all this in sufficient quantity, we would be like the Germans, we would have very few deaths, which is not the case.
  3. Frankly, I do not see what it changes to know now, the most urgent is what is happening in each country and how to minimize the loss of life and how to fight the virus You have to have priorities and at the moment I do not feel that it is the right one in place
  4. He does not say it explicitly but since he understands that UV and disinfectants can destroy the virus in a few minutes on the streets, he simply asks the question if it was possible to clean the body with disinfectant or put a light in the body to kill the virus The problem is that this kind of question you ask your scientist and doctor, you do it in the oval office and not live on television Because the problem in saying this is that it allows you to have a doubt, and that some people hear that drinking disinfectant would kill the virus. And above all, it is enough to see the reactions of the scientists and doctors who were around him I know you're used to it doing bullshit but right now it's not really what to do, everyone is afraid of this virus and would do anything to avoid getting it There was the episode of chloroquine which is not really a good track by looking at the different first results of the tests because there is still a significant mortality with this drug, and now there is this story, it's already been too much blunder for a person like him I think that this story would not have taken as much proportion if by himself he had admitted to having made a mistake while asking not to drink disinfectant But instead he preferred to pretend that he was sarcastic Even a press release earlier said that the media had misinterpreted his words So that makes two different justifications on the same subject and it shows a big communication problem So the next day, he avoided talking, to say the least, on the television
  5. In general, closing the borders is just to prevent people from entering the country, it does not prevent them from leaving the country so either they stay longer, or the solution would be to find a local couple
  6. like most of the other people coming on rlc, they are acquaintances of former or current other participants of the project For example Bonnie is a friend of Kim's in fact it has always worked like this for a very long time
  7. Yes pretty well, there may also be other things we don't know Besides, normally RLC had a very visible notification on the site that any sharing of their content is prohibited and subject to sanctions, but I have the impression that it is no longer visible
  8. the account id is unique to each person with a premium RLC account, it can be found at the bottom left So already, this allows RLC to know precisely who comes from the image of their site They also set up a watermark system almost invisible on the images, but from time to time, we can even distinguish them, these are different circles which form a kind of braille design which comes back randomly
  9. This is completely false, we are several moderators who have said it more than once on the forum that RLC and CC has never been linked I also suggest you read this post made by the admin after an RLC attempt to close this forum For the rest, it's just the experience of years on the forum, whether as a member or as moderators, that allows me to say these things For what it's worth, what goes on the forum stays on the forum On the other hand, these different sites like RLC or VHTV are smart enough to protect themselves without needing a third party to help them to inform Especially I do not see where we would be a winner to do it because a member banned from this kind of site, it is especially a person who may not come on the forum anymore And the purpose of the forum is above all to have as many people as possible sharing their point of view to discuss the events they can see
  10. I think that seeing him write on the forum amply answers your question i would just like to know why people want to link RLC with CC all the time There is enough evidence on this forum to see that CC is just a discussion board about several sites like RLC, VHTV, Camarads, and many others We have rules on this forum as can have these different sites for themselves RLC never hides the fact that they do not want their content to be shared on the internet under penalty of sanction and this is also why the forum modified some of its rules a few years ago Camarads also prohibited that any content from their site is shared on our forum and surely elsewhere too, under penalty of sanction VHTV allows us to broadcast videos and photos but only according to their own rules This forum would like any site to be able to take example on VHTV, because that allows a beneficial alliance for everyone and the imposed rules are not so difficult to follow, and especially we see which are very well respected in the part dedicated to VHTV
  11. This is the case only if this is a crash of the box and a reboot of this one solves the problem, on the other hand if this one is dead, it needs a replacement, not easy to do when you are in quarantine and all services are closed Generally this can be done by sending parcels, now with the pandemic, not sure that it is the same delivery times I really think that we must not overlook what period we are living in right now, nothing is easy with this pandemic, and things are being done much longer than normal
  12. it's not an opinion, it's a fact Russia has no restrictions like you or I have been living for several weeks The fact that the virus is present is known, but that does not change the purpose of the fact that there is no strict containment in this country at the moment
  13. yes but it's completely logical, you yourself said that not everyone was tested, so do you really have to take the risk of spreading the disease by not taking this kind of measure? we are talking about human life ...
  14. It's the same problem everywhere I think, on the other hand the mayor of my city has planned to provide all the inhabitants with a washable mask My sister also just made me one, and I think I would also have some from my work, when they give me the agreement to return
  15. no it's not surprising but it's like all the countries where freedom of expression is violated and controlled The truth will surely come out one day but it is not today, besides I do not think it is the most important to know it The goal is that we manage to get out of this with the least possible loss
  16. I have not looked but I do not think that is that important, I am not saying that they will not be repaired but that it may take longer than normal it must also be said that the convenience store takes a risk when leaving his home to come and solve the problem, and that it must be quite difficult to find a volunteer to do it so precisely if this work is not essential
  17. cela s'appel recadrer une personne pour être plus en lien avec les règles de ce forum, si je voulais vraiment te museler,, nous n'aurions pas ce genre de conversation par contre, je pense que tu surestime beaucoup trop Leora, elle est loin d'être parfaite et quand je la vois écarter les jambes avec Malia à ses côté en se mettant dans une position impossible pour pouvoir regarder son écran de tablette, ne me dit pas qu'elle ne fait pas la même chose que d'autres filles sur RLC Leora est présente depuis 7 ans sur RLC, elle connait tout les rouages de ce site pour être au top au bon moment, rien n'est vraiment innocent Après que tu n'aime pas les autres filles, c'est ton droit, mais cela n'empêche pas d'avoir quand même du respect pour elles
  18. Not all countries are exposed to the virus in the same way So they don't necessarily have the same constraints that others may have
  19. it's amazing to see the damage that this virus can do economically in just one or two months Like what, everything fits with almost nothing
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