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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Right now the only drug that saves lives is me staying at home this one works like miracles
  2. I really hope that Professor Raoult, who is the person who discovered this treatment is not mistaken about this one, but it still appeals to me that it is so questionable within the profession Knowing that they take the oath to do everything necessary to save lives, I doubt that they would prefer to count the dead if they had the quick fix however, normally this medication should be taken at the start of the illness, not at the end
  3. In this kind of situation it is better to give the worst scenario and modified this one by saying that ultimately it will be less worse, it is less scary in the end But I think it is quite difficult to make this kind of statistics because this virus is unpredictable People die without any health problems, others die from health problems and others have no symptoms
  4. I base myself on the statistics and the interactive map of modeling of this virus in your country, apparently the main part of the infection started from the event that I mentioned to you The problem is that this event took place when it was already very complicated in Europe In Europe, the problem was apparently football matches which helped spread the virus faster. Without this kind of gathering with a lot of people, maybe the virus would have had a lesser spread
  5. the study is still in progress across all countries, we will not have these statistics for some time unfortunately People will continue to die, that's for sure The problem is that for the moment, no one can say whether these people are better with this drug or if they are better because they are simply recovering. It is not because you have this virus that you are condemned, a large part of the people survive This is why we really have to be certain that this medicine can be a miracle product, because if it is not the case, it will be a massacre anyway.
  6. certainly he won't be the first nor the last, but maybe by this time if he would still be alive if he hadn't had such information, or maybe he would have done it anyway this mistake I'm not saying that the error comes from Trump, I'm just saying that he should let the doctors do their job and not announce things too quickly He did it again with remarks aimed at the WHO before having to retract publicly regarding his remarks
  7. I don't know, but should we take the risk of poisoning people who could perhaps get by without this treatment which has not yet proven itself, it would be a shame if the treatment did more dead as the virus itself because we didn't want to wait for the results of experiments
  8. Perhaps the right measure that should have been adopted was that to ban the gathering of the springbreak because apparently everything started from this event
  9. So I confirm, you would be one of the guys who would jump from a bridge because your president said that it was the solution against this virus If this product was so miraculous, why do people still die while taking this treatment in hospital? simply because we are not yet sure of its effectiveness against this virus I stay on my position saying that he spoke too quickly about something that has not proven itself Tell me what the repercussions will be against the doctors who are going to prescribe this drug because Trump said it was the right treatment, but the infected people die anyway, who will the families turn to? against Trump who has no medical knowledge or against doctors who have prescribed a drug without any real approval? I ask this because I know that in the United States we like to end up in court
  10. parce que personne ne veut perdre son abonnement à RLC
  11. That's what bothers me with Trump supporters, it's always the fault of the other political party or the media who dislike the President At no point are you going to tell yourself that it might be to question yourself, as well as the President of the United States? I just browsed his twitter account a bit and the only thing I see is that he always complains about others, suddenly the democratic party, after it is the media who are liars, after this is China (for this one he is probably right ) or the fault comes from the WHO At a given moment, he is the president of the united states, it is he who decides to take or not certain measure to save his people, it would simply be time to assume these choices
  12. Of course he was stupid enough to do it, like to believe that it could save him from dying from the covid, but at the same time when the most important man in the united states says that this drug is a potential remedy against this virus , you doubt his word less than that of your neighbor who relays this same information From what I read, he was not the only one to have bought this kind of product, you can surely find the information of that as well as me in newspapers or media because apparently this kind of product it sold very well some time after the president's announcement on his twitter account Fear causes a lot of bullshit, like talking too quickly on social networks without this kind of remedy being able to have a real validation from the medical profession, everyone has their job, that of your president is to avoid saying whatever all the time, at the moment he doesn't seem to be able to do it even if he surely does a good job
  13. Because voyeur site necessarily induces sex? And people who fuck or girls who masturbate, we can also find plenty on the internet these days
  14. My information comes from the French written media which have no political bias, they relate only the information in relation to the covid, the problem comes from the fact that Trump speaks can be much too much on twitter and that these remarks can be misinterpreted There has already been at least one death because of this, all because he heard that chloroquine could save his life, so he went to buy it like many others, because chloroquine is present in aquarium cleaning products So no I do not think that all my information is incorrect, quite the contrary
  15. I wonder one thing, if he had said that the remedy for the covid was to jump from a bridge, how many people would have followed his advice? I ask this question because I have the impression that sometimes we take these words as if he were the savior of humanity He said that the cure for covid was this medicine, so a lot of people left to buy it when they put their health at stake as much as taking this medicine if it is not controlled by doctors than having the covid From time to time, I think he should do like children, turn his tongue 10 times in his mouth before speaking, that would avoid embarrassing the real professionals who are really fighting this virus, and it would also be nice if he stopped trying to find culprits other than him in this crisis management I am not a democrat or a republican, I'm not left or right, I'm not even a big fan of politics , in case it itches some people to make us this comparison which makes no sense to me
  16. I would say more that there is a possibility that they were fired from Camarads precisely because they have become close to Ary and George, who are not on good terms with Camarads but after the problems they also generated in a voyeur house apartment, not sure they could join this other project
  17. maybe simply because whoever made this site and who shared all these videos no longer has an account on rlc
  18. it's impressive to see that with Malia, having water on her pussy does not have the same effect as last night with Leora Nothing disturbs her, and yet the jet of water was powerful and long, she may only be not very sensitive in this part of her body, that's why she also does not feel the need to masturbate i think in any case, I find her beautiful and I am always happy to see her in this apartment 😍
  19. It all depends on the side effects it can generate, I agree that there is an emergency if we want to save as many people as possible, but it would be a shame if this drug could claim more victims than the virus because we didn't want to wait to see the test results
  20. The problem is that this drug can be dangerous if the dosage is wrong I read that an American died because he took it on his own with a derivative of this product for cleaning aquarium, simply because he heard the President of the United States that this drug was the miracle product to cure this virus Sweden decided today to ban the use of this drug because of its side effects This drug was discovered by a French researcher, therefore from my country, the problem is that his tests are still debated within my own country because it is difficult to say whether this drug treats or not people reach covid Normally the European test on a larger scale should give its first figures probably this week i hope
  21. je suppose que pour faire ce genre de commentaire, il faut être parfait c'est à dire sportif, avec une vie saine, des tablettes de chocolat, ect donc imbus de sa personne ^^ étrangement, je ne pense pas que tu sois si parfait Sinon Viola est la jolie brune
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