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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Of course most girls come to RLC because it allows them to earn money quite easily but we will never really know the real motivation of each, what you do is only a suggestion on things you don't know at all Who tells you that she was the one who wanted to leave RLC? Who tells you that it was not RLC who ended her stay at B4? Who tells you that she did not have a simple travel plan for a few days and that she did not need to be handicapped by her big suitcase knowing that she would come to pick it up later before actually leaving Spain? Me all I saw before she left B4, a few days ago, is that she left her big suitcase in Kim's room, so she intended to come back look for it a little later, that she left with a smaller suitcase and that at the same time RLC decided to inform that she was no longer part of the project and that thanks to this we were able to have Olya and Diane who came back to the project, they were concrete things The problem is that with the confinements that were put in place at the same period, the plans change, and I have a big doubt for the possibility that she can leave Spain now, and for her safety, I would even say that it would be better for her to stay at B4 until this virus no longer kills On the other hand I would like to know one thing, why you hate Monica so fiercely when you were one of her biggest fan with Naga, what really changed between her stay at B2 and her stay at B4? I allow myself to ask you this because for me, Monica has not changed an iota, she was already doing to B2 what she did to B4, so I find it hypocritical of you to react in this way now Like Sofie or Naomi, she follows a plan which is well established and which evolves in the time she spends in the project, she has always been calculating and she has always done shows for the cams therefore between her stay at B2 and that from B4, I'm sorry to tell you, but she hasn't changed at all For what it's worth, it's girls like them who killed RLC
  2. Entre Elettra et cet homme il y a plus qu'une simple histoire de sexe entre eux, et par amour on fait souvent des choses idiotes On ne sait pas ce qu'il fait quand il n'est pas dans cet appartement, il peut très bien être resté confiner chez lui pendant tout ce temps L'inconscience c'est de voir qu'il n'y a pas trop de directive de la part de RLC car on voit que les filles ont l'air de sortir un peu trop souvent et pas forcément pour faire des choses vitales
  3. I would never understand this fixed idea that a girl can be paid for anything when she decides to leave the house you seem to have a completely different image of the woman than the one I have, and for what it's worth, yours is not very beautiful
  4. the only difference is that Joy or Nelly and Bogdan did not leave any stuff at B4 or B5, so they have no plans to come back anytime soon But that doesn't prevent them either from coming back later in the year if friends occupy GOV apartments and they are traveling to Barcelona at the same time
  5. yes, I think so too Besides, as there is always a room called guest, he might be smart on the part of RLC to offer and give a name to this girl within the project, because even if rlc had the plan for another girl, the sanitary rules implemented in Spain changes the deal a lot And with what has happened in this apartment for several days, I think she has largely earned this place 🙂
  6. I still don't see why it's a problem to have girls who are only guests and who live for a while in GOV apartments As premium members, the more girls in the apartments, the better, don't you think?
  7. if there is no urgent reason for these girls to return to their country, it is preferable that they stay in all GOV apartments and that they follow the directives of the country, until the problem can be resolved especially if they leave, it will be difficult to replace these girls for RLC at the moment
  8. I don't really see how RLC has anything to do with the visit of former participants who simply come to visit their friends who live in GOV apartments The girls are big enough too to know if they want to do the show or not, that's why you have some who do it and others who don't Without wanting to offend you, can you take into account that we are in a new and difficult period, that it is no longer necessarily possible to leave the country and that the girls are blocked because all of Spain, like Italy or France, is in quarantine
  9. It is not because we are told that a girl leaves the project as a participant that she cannot return as a guest, I think we have had a lot of examples to confirm these last weeks
  10. I am French like you are Italian, I also use google translate most of the time but that does not prevent me to pay a minimum attention to try to make better understand my words For your accusations towards my rights of moderators, know that I never exceeded these rights against anyone on the forum Another thing, I am in confinement from today so I will have a lot of time for at least 15 days to come and bother you on the forum
  11. you may not be aware but insulting people is not really a solution, especially when these people give you only a simple advice so that others can understand a lot better what you really mean On the other hand, if you want to continue to insult people for free, I advise you to do it in the right place which is not here if you do not want to be quarantined at the level of the forum too
  12. who is "they" for you? There is no doubt that she would come back seeing that she left her big suitcase in Kim's room before leaving B4 few days ago So she doesn't need anyone to tell her or not to come back into the house yes I know it's surprising, but girls still have the right to make their own choices
  13. it's still complicated to take your word for it when you don't even make the effort to correct your translation to put your words in the feminine instead of the masculine It's not hard to put "she" in place of "he"
  14. yes and that's where the whole problem comes from
  15. I don't think so and the problem is that you can't ignore what you know about him, that's why you can't put the situation into perspective If we don't understand what they can say to each other, he would only be one single guy among many others, who simply fucks with several girls who are all consenting it doesn't go much further because I honestly don't think anyone cared if these girls know the truth about the cameras or the existence of the other girls
  16. Frankly Naga, if you don't understand what he can say to girls, how can you really know who is lying to them and that they don't know anything? the images are not telling enough to be able to judge this
  17. it's a phenomenon that seems to spread to all countries because it's the same scene in the united states
  18. Would you react the same way if Hakeem was a guy in Russia who doesn't speak a word of English? I would just like to know if that would change your perspective, saying that you have no way of really knowing what he can say
  19. I will stay very wisely at home, I have housekeeping to do, TV series to watch, girls to watch on RLC, and to annoy members on CC not necessarily in that order 😅
  20. At a given moment, it is also necessary that all people take responsibility and become aware that it is only for their own good that these new measures are taken
  21. Well it seems to be less drastic than I thought, France is confined for the moment only for 15 days so until the end of March
  22. Health first, I go back to work when it is possible to do it in good conditions, we are all in the same ship I have paid holidays which I can also take during this period. This will save me from having days of deficiency, for the moment, it is still rather vague as a situation and we are trying to manage things as we can. Of course, now I'm going to have more time to watch CC and especially the girls on RLC 😉 I also do some emergency shopping so I think I will not need to go out during this period hoping that it will not last longer
  23. oui il ne fait pas de doute que nous allons suivre très rapidement les autres Pays dans le confinement total, je suis pour ma part déjà dès ce soir en chômage technique, mon entreprise ayant prit les devant pour nous dire de ne plus sortir travaillé à partir de ce soir et jusqu'a nouvel ordre normalement voici les mesures qui vont être prises en France et qui vont être dévoilé ce soir 1/ annonce ce soir confinement totale dès mercredi 2/ mardi Dernière journée de déplacements des français pour choisir sa zone de confinement, chacun doit rejoindre sa résidence principale ou secondaire ou autre ... 3/ mercredi 8h confinement totale Mise en place de contrôles avec l armée -0 déplacement sans laisser passer Interdiction De sortir -Sauf 1 seule personne pour des courses alimentaires ou rdv médecin où hôpital - et déplacement filière santé (infirmière pharmaciens etc ) - duree 45 jours ---------------------------------------- yes there is no doubt that we will follow very quickly the other countries in total containment, I for my part already as of this evening in technical unemployment, my company having taken the front to tell us not to leave working anymore from tonight and until further notice normally here are the measures that will be taken in France and that will be revealed this evening 1 / announcement this evening total containment from Wednesday 2 / Tuesday Last day of travel for French people to choose their containment zone, everyone must reach their main or secondary residence or other ... 3 / Wednesday 8 am total containment Establishment of controls with the army -0 movement without passing Passage To leave -Except 1 person for food shopping or doctor or hospital appointment - and travel to the health sector (nurse pharmacists, etc.) - duration 45 days
  24. he talks about Kira who is the tenant of this apartment for me
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