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Everything posted by moos54

  1. when was the last time you saw a real girl in your life? because a lot of girls have tattoos and they works normal jobs like we do I told you before but I'll tell you again, your values on people's judgment are as old and outdated as you It's 2020, even nice, pride, good homes and good-values girls can get tattoos 😉
  2. the forum has been quite slow for some time now because even the apartments which usually have the most comments are no longer as active
  3. you really have big problems with women And even strippers can be beautiful people fortunately we don't judge you solely on your words like you can do on the fact that girls can have tattoos
  4. Sorry to tell you that but in this case, it would be better for you to change the channel ^^ Juliet has big tattoos and Emmy has small ones And then I still think we will see Cindy again tonight and that she will share the room with Kim at least tonight You haven't finished complaining with the girls, so happy?
  5. I have the impression that I am right on the names by listening to the presentations of the girls with Monica in the kitchen, the smallest is Emmy
  6. With the order of their name on rlc But for other people, it's only because i am rlc double agent 😁
  7. If we take their choice of place in the bed then we will say that the smaller of the two girls is Emmy and that the larger is Juliet We may have a confirmation or a correction later when they share things with the other girls 😉
  8. Actually I share this opinion, no need for a girl to do incredible things so that she can be pleasant to follow Unfortunately now I have the impression that only the show is taken into account to say if a girl is a good participant or not, and I find it sad and extremely reducing I don't think that a Monica or a Ginger is really better than a girl like Cindy and yet we easily know the motivations of the first two to participate in this kind of project, and we are far from the initial idea of the concept of RLC
  9. her things are still in Kim's room so she hasn't really left yet
  10. I just want to know one thing, what is your cursor between a girl who does nothing and a girl who does things Because I'm sorry to say it but I think Cindy, even if she didn't do a real show, still shared real things in the house
  11. I really like your analyzes and it gives a lot of meaning to all this
  12. Pour ma part je ne suis pas fan de l'archive car cela dépend d'autres personnes, alors que je ne suis jamais décu de faire ma propre archive personnel ^^ je suppose que si VHTV prend cette décision c'est qu'ils ont prit toutes les dispositions que que cela fonctionne, car généralement ils font plutôt bien les choses For my part I am not a fan of the archive because it depends on other people, while I am never disappointed to make my own personal archive ^^ I suppose if VHTV makes this decision it is because they have made all the arrangements for it to work, because generally they do things pretty well
  13. I feel that they are going to have a lot of work now and I hope for the members of VHTV that they have strong kidneys
  14. je pense qu'il faut laisser une chance au système pour faire ses preuves avant de se plaindre de chose qui ne sont que hypothétique, il me semble que VHTV s'engage à avoir des employés dédié aux enregistrement des vidéos et puis je peux te dire que même le système qui était en place n'était pas parfait, des moments sympa ont était aussi oublier, car au final, les membres du forum qui faisaient cela ne sont pas parfait I think we should give the system a chance to prove itself before complaining about things that are only hypothetical, it seems to me that VHTV is committed to having employees dedicated to recording videos and then I can tell you that even the system that was in place was not perfect, nice moments were also forgotten, because in the end, the members of the forum who were doing this are not perfect
  15. Whether you make a request in this topic or open a ticket in VHTV support, tell me what is the difference? in any case you are still making the request somewhere Que tu fasse une requête dans ce sujet ou que tu ouvres un ticket au sein du support de VHTV, dit moi quelle est la différence? dans tout les cas tu es quand même entrain de faire la demande quelque part
  16. unfortunately there is no audio in this bathroom
  17. You are making friends with this video 😁
  18. yes we are guilty, I admit the moderators and of course me too, we use our phones
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