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Everything posted by moos54

  1. The arrival of the boyfriends is only temporary, why do you want them to be in the COV apartments, especially since we never had their name in the project like girls, so they are only guests, so they can stay in the GOV
  2. Maybe because you are wrong all the time and now nobody want to trust you
  3. they packed his suitcase and a bag, they weighed the suitcase so that it does not exceed the authorized weight, I think he must really take a plane to return to Russia Loraine will probably take the guitar when it is her turn to leave the project
  4. it is always better to make your own opinion rather than to repeat like a sheep that of others
  5. Yes it's sad, like all other Russian apartments But Nina and Kira are now on VHTV Not the same project but it's good for their fans
  6. It was very very very very good to see Martina friend naked in the shower today 😍
  7. Yes i know that's why i said they are friends with profit, profit = sex
  8. thank you guys for all this nonsense in this thread topic is lock for the moment
  9. you should be happy because it's more you can watch than when Kamila was living in R1
  10. you are loosing your valuable time, i am afraid
  11. As you say so well, she lives in Barcelona so she has friends in this city, knowing that her good friend Nice left just before the year changed, it is almost logical that she spent the evening with her friends to be able to celebrate it's the same case as Mia and Lia who spent the evening with Gina, it's an evening that we usually spend with her close friends, and that's what they did, nothing says that 'they have the obligation to do all the parties in the rlc apartments
  12. they were a couple during the previous participation but they separated towards the end of this one, Aria starting to see another person I think that they are no longer in a relationship now but that they love each other enough to fuck from time to time together as in the good old days, we are going to say that they have become friends with profit as it can often do
  13. New record 75 apartments in one year They will have a job to do in 2020
  14. Thank you Harley for wishing us well, but you should perhaps already apply these advices to yourself, right? because you're wasting a lot of time coming to CC, and meanwhile you're just as much on a computer screen, you don't walk in a public park to watch the birds fly, and you don't say hello to people that you meet It may be time to stop giving advice to people but to apply it ourselves I am not saying that you are a bad advice person but if people come on CC, RLC, VHTV or other it is good because there is a lack somewhere in their life and that they need it, just like you need to come all the time on the forum and your only problem is that you do not have legitimacy and objectivity compared to the participants of RLC or even of RLC, because you are based on data which are already at the start completely erroneous or fragmented depending on who you get them from I would like for this year, that people stop judging others and let people do what they want, and more importantly, I do not think that people watching people live on the net , be the best people to be able to judge what they're doing best wishes everyone and happy new year
  15. I am not a big fan of tattoos but I still like Odri, I find that she has charm and it seems to me that she is a girl full of life 😉
  16. I think I have said many times that I really don't care about RLC, if I subscribe to this kind of project, it is for the people who participate and not for those who run the site This is where some people don't make a difference and where I think I can do it Like I said, things are never perfect all the time and yet we pay for a lot of things in our life that are imperfect yes the quality could be better, although that may be questionable, they did a lot of camera modification which gives us a better quality image, I just think they have to adjust the sensitivity to light or lack of light from these cameras, but like any test, it takes an adjustment period to bring the corrections we could compare this to a software for a computer, at the beginning everything works well, and then over time the developers are forced to create patches of corrections because they did not think of all the possibilities at the very beginning of the development of the initial program for me, what I can see each month on RLC goes far beyond the simple price of the product, because if we look, the price is not so high in my opinion if we take the time to take stock of everything that we can have, that's why the bugs that come from time to time does not prevent me from enjoying the good times But the replay become a pain in the ass since few weeks, and for that, RLC need something better
  17. you are right, it's not the right place for what you want to say about rlc
  18. like mommy Melissa, he show his best view 😍
  19. I've always been honest Harley, it's just a shame you only see that when it suits you I just hope that this problem can be solved because I like this product for what it brings me on a daily basis
  20. I take the bet that these are the twins that will go out with friends, friends called Gina
  21. Is that maybe she could not do it after Sunday, we are at the end of the year and I think that everyone plans things for that, just like she I suppose
  22. Même si j'accepte volontier que tout ne peut être parfait tout le temps, j'expérimente depuis plusieurs semaines maintenant de gros problèmes avec le replay de RLC, je n'arrive plus à avoir de vidéo fluide, l'image figeant assez régulièrement, cela ne dure qu'à peine une seconde ou même des fois plus longtemps mais le problème c'est que cela revient très souvent J'ai aussi comme ce soir, de gros problème rien que pour avoir accès à l'image, ayant souvent un fond blanc avec écrit dessus que j'ai un problème internet alors que ma connexion fonctionne parfaitement, ou alors j'ai de temps en temps la vidéo qui ne charge pas, ayant pour seul compagnon les cercles de chargement sur fond noir Ne pensant pas être le seul avec ce problème, car j'en est déjà discuter avec d'autres personnes, il serait peut être temps à RLC de remédier aux problèmes une bonne fois pour toute car d'un produit qui devrait nous permettre de prendre du plaisir, cela devient le parcours du combattant et on s'ennerverai presque devant notre écran pour un problème qui ne vient même pas de nous Si vous êtes dans le même cas, je vous invite à contacter leur support pour que les choses puissent changées car je ne pense malheureusement pas que des plaintes sur ce forum soit très productif envers eux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even if I willingly accept that not everything can be perfect all the time, I have been experimenting for several weeks now with a big problem with the replay of RLC, I no longer manage to have smooth video, the image freezing quite regularly, it only lasts a second or even times longer but the problem is that it comes up very often I also have like big problems this evening just to have access to the image, often having a white background with writing on it that I have an internet problem while my connection is working perfectly, or so I have time in time the video which does not load, having for only companion the circles of loading on black background Not thinking that I am the only one with this problem, because I am already discussing it with other people, it might be time for RLC to remedy the problems once and for all because of a product that should allow us to take fun, it becomes an obstacle course and we will get bored almost in front of our screen for a problem that does not even come from us If you are in the same case, I invite you to contact their support so that things can change because I unfortunately do not think that complaints on this forum are very productive towards them
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