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Everything posted by moos54

  1. no I don't think it works like that within RLC We have had apartments hanging for years when there was not much going on, the only thing that makes the participants leave most of the time is another life project, job or baby, or a separation from the couple
  2. I doubt it was an idea from RLC the girls are big enough to invite whoever they want and to experience the things they want too
  3. that's what i'm telling you for a while, stop wanting to compare these girls with those you remember when you were young, it's not the same thing at all, and let it be the girls in your part of the world or the girls in my part of the world, it comes down to the same now, there is no difference between a young Russian, a young French or a young American
  4. no problem I also correct the error which was in the basic file which lists all the girls having participated in the apartments at the time when you had spoken about it. So normally there should be no more confusion
  5. From the little that I know with my experience, these girls are no different from those we can meet in a nightclub for example So when I tell you that if you hate these girls then you hate all the girls on earth, I assure you that we are not far from the truth
  6. Memory problem? because I already gave you her name, several times moreover
  7. what you do not understand is that in fact, most of us really don't care with everything you can say, things may be true, others are probably false, but in the end, those who there is a good reason to subscribe, and these girls give us what we are looking for most of the time Not everything is perfect, but at the same time human beings are not perfect either Your big problem is that precisely you are old and we no longer live in the 70's or 80's, society has evolved at a great speed, the children are not the same as before, the girls are much freer and assume their choice To understand these people we see living on rlc, you have to know how to put yourself in the shoes of a person from the 2000s because it is this generation of people that we watch live, and things are really not the same as in your time when everyone was more or less wise, now it's debauchery, but that's how the world turns in 2020
  8. do me a favor, stay in your little world and in your ignorance, it will make us vacation
  9. or a new girl is coming in twin bedroom, bedroom with Dana, that's why she puts the towels back on the bed
  10. in fact, in general I have the impression that photo models also like to become photographers, the reverse also works It's like actresses who become directors for films
  11. like most photoshoots with a model, different positions and views with various clothes so that it is not always the same thing in fact it's pretty classic Lately, Gina has worked with a lot of girls that we can see in the rlc apartments 🙂
  12. She's a good Nelly and Bogdan friend We already saw her in Russia several Times 🙂
  13. en fait, il ne dit pas qu'il n'aime pas les photos d'Albert, mais qu'il préférerait que les photos soient placés dans l'appartement archivé que dans celui ci simplement pour éviter la confusion il n'a pas tout à fait tord et je crois que les nouvelles règles pour poster Vidéos et Photos en 2020 vont dans ce sens
  14. what is normality? I think you might be surprised at what people can do in their social and sexual life and yet most are considered "normal" people
  15. still a good comment from a frustrated person but even being a paid member of rlc, which you would like very much for a long time, I am not even sure that you can really understand what is really going on in the lives of our participants you are an old man with principles of the old days, as long as you do not understand it, you will simply remain this idiot who comments for nothing and who pours his hatred to others because he is pissed off in his life it's almost pathetic
  16. If I understand correctly, are you the kind of person who thinks that because they pay, they feel they have all the rights? it may be time to stop the costs in this case or invest your savings in a few things that will be more pleasant for you because as you like to put labels on people, here is one that characterizes you well, haters unfortunately, I think common sense and having a brain seem to be overpriced 😂
  17. Yes maybe today I hope Rosalie is coming ❤️
  18. me I did well studies in the automation however it is not for that that I will launch out in the programming of automaton
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