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Everything posted by moos54

  1. i don't know where you found Loraine lives in Barcelona maybe at the same place where you found all parties are fake
  2. I can not say that GOV is fake because precisely by being honest this is not the case, at least not in totality You have to take everything in account before making a judgment For my part, this kind of apartment is different because it is only people living for a more or less determined period in a foreign country, so the context is really different comparing to the roomates apartment we had in Russia (apartments that I loved) We are also in the 21st century and so society has evolved a lot since then, women have also evolved a lot, for the better by the way, what do you think girls do at pajama parties? that they are wise and that they read books while doing philosophy? It may be time to open our eyes to what is happening now in our society and in the world yes the cameras are still truncating the reality but do you really think they would have a different party without their presence, I doubt because the purpose of this kind of party is having a good time with friends , and that's exactly what they did, there is no development between girls to have You talk to me about guests, as far as I know, at B1 there are only 4 girls living there, so yes the girls of B2 are indeed the guests of B1 whatever you may say
  3. Yes i think with Alla and strapon, Holly and Monica who watched, it was just for the fun not for the pleasure
  4. when Asia takes a shower or when they fuck, their apartment is found in top cam so it means that people are still watching them, whether a couple fake or not And as Hakeem is an unpredictable man, it gives a challenge to continue to follow their adventure on RLC
  5. So if I understand you correctly, girls can not drink, have fun and be sexy without being told that all they can do is fake? The best for you would be to no longer look at these apartments because I feel that everything is fake for you
  6. No it's just the proof that they live their life with cameras and that they do not live for the cameras, this is a big difference, and to choose I prefer this kind of couple that others who act like robots 😉
  7. Yes i enjoyed Mindy and she wasn't a show girl, just a beautiful girl in my book 🙂
  8. Personne j'exprime simplement un point de vue différent Ce qui est toujours mieux que de ce moquer des commentaires des autres
  9. she took a shower this morning if you want to see it more :-) 8:41 PM she's not shy
  10. do you think it's better saying this than the word "useless" ? because i saw your comment about this word and i don't think your comment is better
  11. Living your real couple life is already doing something, don't you think? If what you said is the reality, so why VHTV don't open only new apartments with camgirls or porngirls, money is only what they want when they work and subsribers have all the sex they need But we aren't living in this world yet, even on VHTV, that's why normal people are a part on this project too Nina and Kira are here for the money like you said but i don't think they make a show every day on VHTV cams for that, they lives their life nothing else
  12. If i am not wrong VHTV have 36 apartments and we haven't shows on all of them, some are just normal people living with cams, that's all It's just people like you who want a porn show every hours and every day in all places 😁
  13. On VHTV or RLC i am not agree with you but because i see these projects differently than you 🙂
  14. but all girls are easy on the eye too they know that better than me ^^
  15. good for them but i am not a fan about a sex party on command
  16. the people working in this apartment have also understood the power of this girl and the tokens she can attract by making her participates in shows By the way it's in the title for all their paying shows
  17. look better bedroom cam at Leora because the new cam in the bedroom is also very blurry
  18. I saw the message he made on your profile That's it to want to trust anyone pretending to be Leora, the guy asks for photos of Leora, nothing prevents it from published elsewhere and to banish those people who really want to believe that it is she I did a little test not so long ago, I asked for a proof before I gave my proof to me that I am a premium member, I had in return an apology for confidentiality But the funniest is the excuse that I was given that there would be a shift in timecode at the level of the responses I received, twice this false Leora managed to answer me by the positive thinking, because Leora was in the toilet while her phone was in the living room Strangely since then I have no more contact with this fake Leora Stop believing in the chimera guys J'ai vue le message qu'il a fait sur ton profil C'est ça de vouloir faire confiance à n'importe qui se faisant passer pour Leora, le gars demande des photos de Leora, rien ne l'empêche après de les publiés ailleurs et de faire bannir ces personnes qui veulent vraiment croire que ce soit elle J'ai fait un petit test il n'y a pas si longtemps, j'ai demandé une preuve avant que je donne ma preuve à moi que je sois bien un membre premium, j'ai eu en retour des excuses de confidentialité Mais le plus marrant c'est l'excuse qu'on ma fournit comme quoi il y aurait un décalage dans le timecode au niveaux des réponses que j'ai reçu, par deux fois cette fausse Leora a réussi à me répondre par le biais de la pensée positive, car Leora étant aux toilettes alors que son téléphone était dans le salon Etrangement depuis cela je n'ai plus de contact avec cette fausse Leora Arrêtez de croire aux chimère les gars
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