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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Petite image, caméra payante Grande image, caméra gratuite C'est aussi simple que cela, si je me trompe pas, il est comme toi, il n'est pas membre premium de vhtv, les petites images proviennent simplement des vignettes des caméras payantes
  2. demande toi juste d'où provient les grandes photos et d'où provient les petites photos tu auras peut être une meilleure compréhension et réponse du pourquoi du comment ^^
  3. Dans ce cas, elle lui a rangé ses affaires de maquillage ^^ Désolé de casser l'ambiance mais ce sont les affaires de Carla qui sont dans les sacs et valises
  4. because Ulyana and Marat come from the same Russian city as Adeline and Markus, and now they occupy an apartment in Prague as a couple on vacation So there is a very good chance that RLC will bring couples living in Russia back to this apartment for longer or shorter periods
  5. moos54

    Delete my Account

    L'Admin n'est pas toujours présent mais il les lira ne t'inquiète pas
  6. You never walked on the sand in the morning, watching the waves and listening to music? If I understand correctly, you are part of the team that has never lived in your life and you just came out of your cave, is that it? 😁
  7. Yes you may be right except that most vhtv members are honest in saying that they prefer quality over quantity And even if it only remains my point of view, we can not really say that there is a good quality at VHTV right now
  8. The problem Harley is that you talk about an education that no longer exists, society has evolved a lot since then, it might be time to do the same 😉
  9. That's the problem with some people of a certain age, the old ones (fortunately not everyone) some remained stuck in the old days and failed to evolve, I even wonder if they noticed that we were in the 21st century yes now the kids are almost born with tablets and smartphones in their hands and the women are emancipated, it's over the time mom stayed wisely her ass at home while waiting patiently daddy 😂
  10. Said then you seem to have a perfect life, with perfect children and a perfect education So, I'm just wondering, why are you wasting your time with deviants like us on this forum when you look so much superior to the commum of mortals? By cons I ask myself a question, considering your old age, I guess your children are married with them even children, so they are not so perfect, because to get to this point, you have to meet people and especially you have to fuck with people, I hope not to shock you by teaching you that the immaculate conception does not exist even in your perfect world 😂
  11. By girls like this, you mean young and pretty girls I guess For the rest of your comments, does not most people in the world do this, go out and have fun, and fuck with other people? I hope you or Harley do not have children, or at least no girls, because I wonder what you think of her when you see her going out to nightclub, wearing makeup and dressed like girls in Barcelona apartments
  12. Think what you want I live in the real world and not in the fantastic world of Harley 😂
  13. Tu vie dans un monde étrange 😁 Quand tu dis internaute, tu pense à des mecs qu'elle peut rencontrer sur une application comme Tinder ou tu as une autre idée en tête? Elles ont pas besoin d'avoir de petits amis pour être tout le temps sur leurs portables, c'est la nouvelle génération qui veut cela, génération très connectée, même les gosses de 10 ans ont déjà des smartphones à la main maintenant ^^ Les femmes se parfument, se maquillent et s'habillent bien seulement pour aller au supermarché parce qu'il faut toujours faire bonne impression en société donc c'est un peu réducteur d'en conclure quoi que ce soit au niveau rendez vous avec des internautes 🙂
  14. every time I see one of your comments, I wonder if you do not go out cave or hibernation Are you aware that women wear make-up just to go for a walk in the street or I teach you? 😁
  15. Knowing that most of us pay to see naked girls or even for more than that, I do not think we are the right people to judge what girls can do in life
  16. All aroud the world, people loves Sex and Money so where is the problem?
  17. She is an old friend of Carla, as she was already present at the time of the first apartment And yes I think I remember that she is not too shy by the presence of cameras 😉
  18. La perte des appartements en Russie est définitif Pour la participation des anciens couples, phare ou non, n'est peut être pas si définitif RLC utilise un appartement en république tchèque pour ramener les anciens couples sur RLC pour des séjours à durée déterminé
  19. This is not the case, Numi and Valerie arrived late May and Valerie stayed during the month of June at B4, but when she decided to leave after a month, changes are made within RLC and Numi is left for B1
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