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Everything posted by moos54

  1. the names of this couple sound like a porn couple 😂 what they must be 😁
  2. moi je ne pense pas car pour moi Jane et Dick ne sont ici que de passage, en vacances 😉
  3. Moi je me demande si nous avons beaucoup plus de dignité que ces filles vue que nous payons pour les voir au moins nue ... a médité ou pas 😁
  4. Tu sais, si rlc ne banissait pas les membres du forum qui partagent ce qu'ils voient, le forum dédié à rlc ne serait pas si différent de celui de VHTV
  5. the tittle and subtittle say everything, don't you think?
  6. It's their rule, I respect it We also have rules on the forum, all are not ideal either VHTV also has its rules we just have to live with what we are allowed to do, a little like in life in the end
  7. Sorry i can't No personnal information from social media in open forum and i don't want to loose my subsciption on RLC 😉
  8. On CC, there is no doubt In their environment, I doubt it After all, it's not because people decide to talk about anything and everything that it makes them really gain views from the participants
  9. if you look with cam 1 in the living room, you will see that it must not be easy to put a camera on the balcony because of the proximity of neighboring buildings
  10. Or just normal people don't do that every day in their life 😁
  11. I think we had to see one or two guys in the apartment, and one of them was Nina's father 😁 so yes the principal of their friends are women, coming like them from the lesbian community, but that does not mean that they will orgies together 😂
  12. jakpot when they do that 😁
  13. They had no connection with other RLC participants so do not expect them to have parties with VHTV participants They have their own circle of friends, and that's fine like that, maybe not enough for the VH member I can imagine, but can we give them a chance for success? Each time it's the same, most of the time you judge in just one day, and again, you do it even before the apartment is online Can we agree that we can not get an idea of who are the people in 24 hours? personally I think we can only start doing it after one or two weeks, so we can understand how they live
  14. can we get back to the main subject otherwise I would put an end to this topic for an indefinite period If you still want to bark on it, do it either by PM or in the right section to do it, here for example https://camcaps.net/forums/forum/52-rants-flame-wars/ Thank you for your understanding, and I do not want to see any more messages about all this
  15. Oui mais cela reste des mots prit hors contexte, encore que cela veut vraiment bien dire ce que tu crois avoir entendu parce qu'avec cette langue, on crois entendre une chose et en fait ils en disent une autre Ils peuvent très bien parler aussi de ce qu'il se passe dans l'appartement justement à cause des caméras En fait, je crois que cela ne sert à rien d'essayer d'extrapoler une information alors qu'on ne connait pas la langue, vaut mieux laisser cela aux personnes qui comprennent vraiment, cela permet d'éviter les fausses rumeurs 😉
  16. Pourquoi cette étrange idée? Cela devient même récurrent d'ailleurs, pourquoi toujours penser à ce genre de chose alors qu'il y a plus de chance qu'elle soit partie visiter un des très jolie endroit de cette grande ville de Barcelone avec son copain, ou tout simplement profiter du beau temps Non à chaque fois, il faut qu'il y ai une réflexion un peu salace sur la personne absente
  17. At least we know what they do when they are not in the apartment, it avoids false theories 😂
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