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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Adrian is going to make a lot of jealous, already because he is lucky to be with Izzy, but the other girls look pretty comfortable with him
  2. if i say to you Game of throne and dragon's mother
  3. so Chloe must be naked but not Tyler if I understand you correctly, look like unfair
  4. romthi, je crois qu'en fait tu n'a rien comprit au concept de VHTV, car ce que tu peux voir dans cet appartement, tu le vois dans tout les autres ce qui fait que tes commentaires sont limite ridicule sans vouloir manquer de respect
  5. look like the real tenant are back too soon
  6. Frankly, they have not fed up the different managers put cameras on the ceiling and especially in reverse image it gives you more desire to vomit than anything else and that does not give a great view of these two pretty girls
  7. so they used already all the people who want to fucked with them in this old city
  8. so two things, she's bisexual and he isn't her brother
  9. yes it's him and her all people said the same since this apartment is open
  10. It's still fun to see the ease of finding different guests almost every night in all the apartments that are present to get naked and fuck with the participants even with gambling we can not be so lucky
  11. oui VH est assez malin ils fonctionnent plus comme une sorte d'annuaire regroupant des managers voulant mettre des appartements en ligne, cela permet de se dédouaner de certaines choses
  12. Ce sont toujours les mêmes personnes, ils ont peut être juste réaliser que faire tout et n'importe quoi pour quelques dollars ne valait peut être plus la peine Faut dire que les nouveaux appartements ont placés la barre assez haute au niveau de la non estime de soi pour de l'argent
  13. you want me to be honest, I did not even see that he's a premium member of CamCamps, so your accusation I think you can keep it for you He simply reacts to the different comments he sees on the forum, the only thing he should do is use the "quote" option so you're not lost it is true it is so complicated to follow what is happening in the different apartments especially that it comes all 36 of the month to put one comment in every thread Yes he acts like a troll but at least he does not disrespect anyone, either towards the members or the participants Can you say as much?
  14. Ce sont les appartements d'Anna et Alex que tu apprécies en générale, j'avoue que c'est un bon choix ;-)
  15. he comment because you give to him and us a lot of good pics
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