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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. I'm not sure about the big parties anymore after last night I think the girls will get a good dressing down on RLC drug policy Even tho i think the guy put on a bit of an act. I'm not saying he wasn't well at first he was but as time went on he played them a little because when he got in the bedroom suddenly no ill effects at all everything is fine
  2. Fuck i hope today will be an easy day i'm still worn out from yesterday very long hours
  3. I think they are worried about what happened last night with that guy But when they find out he is ok and fucked Polya like a champion everything will be ok
  4. Maybe she has maybe not anyway she won't be here much longer than it won't be our problem
  5. What did she do now when i left Anna had just walked out and Lola and Stella were drinking wine
  6. I'm the same Mr Box i don't think anyone wants it to close down it gives us more variety to watch But it will be interesting with Anna gone Polya soon then Stella then Lola 4 new girls in a short time should be good
  7. I told you guys he was acting most of that dizzy shit especially near the end All he needed was Lola to give him a blowjob when she was in that position on the couch and he would have come back to life
  8. It started off crap all covered slowly the covers came off then she got the toy that was the best part then they went back to trying to cover then she rode his cock uncovered overall i thought it was ok
  9. He's only acting he planned this all along to get the attention It's working look at them all over him
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