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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. I enjoyed the show.......just remember it's just Milena's 2nd day they are still getting to know each other Maybe Milena thought she better not push things too far too early and ruin everything I think she went as far as things should go at this early stage, if she asked her to take her panties off and take some photos she might have scared her off I'm not expecting but hope for good things to come
  2. Milena was on the phone to someone talking english i couldn't pick it all up but i heard her say she is a beautiful girl i'm looking at her right now dancing
  3. They don't drink the tap water only bottled water but they fill up the ice cube tray to put in their drinks with tap water
  4. Yeah they need some fresh food Belle can't cook so she has no idea about the food that's why she is smelling everything she pulls out of the fridge.As for Milena she looks innocent but looks can be deceiving like you said we will have to wait and see.
  5. It was a good session Gels it's just too bad they kept trying to cover up all the time Like you said i would have liked to see the blow job too But she did go out with a bang
  6. First look at Milena she's pretty but i don't think she will be as wild as the last bunch Unless Lola gets her hands on her and currupts her Time will tell i'll leave my judgement till a later date
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