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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. I just sent RLC a email this is what i said I am not going to pay anymore money unless a camera is put outside on the balcony i don't pay you money so the girls can sit outside and i look at an empty room I have a lot of friends feel the same way and we will all leave RLC unless something is done about it soon GOODBYE you should all write a similar email to them
  2. The only way we can do it is people power Lyree we all need to send an email and complain it's the only way
  3. Ah Belle i wish i could tell you there is a simple way to get rid of a hangover but there isn't The best thing i can say is drink plenty of water and sleep it off
  4. I don't know how far they have to walk to the beach But they will definitely turn some heads they way they were dressed
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