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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Anyway we are lucky Belle stayed imagine how everyone would be feeling if we lost Rebecca Megan and Belle
  2. with all the parties and drinking that's been going on over the last few weeks im sure they have done more out there than smoke and look at their phones
  3. I don't care if that's what they are doing and that's probably all they are doing My argument is i want to see it not watch paint dry in an empty room
  4. Can i get banned for complaining too much? i told the fuck turds again how fucked they are
  5. If everyone does this something might get done If you all sit on your asses and do nothing thats what you will get nothing
  6. yeah me but i don't think it's going to do any good the best way to hurt them is cancel your subscription don't get auto resign Tell them the reason why your not renewing is because of the balcony then you can just join again when your time is up
  7. Me too Lyree people don't like her because she seems bossy but i think she has took it upon herself too look after these girls because she is the most mature
  8. I thought i would give you guy's an update on my battle with RLC to get a camera on the balcony in Barce 2 I was going to get a petition going and have everyone sign it but i thought i will start some emails first First Email i said The camera number 3 is aimed too low and you cut off the heads all the time we can't see the faces of the girls if they are standing Also we need a camera on the balcony the girls spend a lot of time out there and we can't see them Thank you Their reply We apologize for the inconvenience caused.We are working to investigate the issue. 2nd Email I am not going to pay anymore money unless a camera is put outside on the balcony I don't pay you money so the girls can sit outside and i look at an empty room I have a lot of friends feel the same way and we will all leave RLC unless something is done about it soon GOODBYE Their reply Thank you for contacting us.Currently installed cameras is all we can provide for this apartment now. 3rd Email I am disappointed with your reply, i can't understand why you cannot put a camera on the balcony like you did in the 1st Barcelona apartment. My membership expires on 13/12/2016 i will not be renewing my membership so i want it cancelled from that date. I have 50 more friends from a RLC blog that will all cancel their membership as well unless things are changed. 50 people is a big loss of money for you, i'm asking you to reverse your decision or at least give me a better reason why you can't do it. Thank you Their Reply Your request to cancel has been processed. You will no longer be billed for this subscription. So what do we do now? I don't think emailing them a petition will do anything The only way we can make any difference is to hurt them money wise So if we all cancel our subscription and give the cause of why we are cancelling like i have no camera on the balcony in Barce 2 You can always join again later if you like but make sure you tell them it's because of the balcony camera The more people that cancel because of this reason the better chance we have of getting things changed A lot of guy have contacted me asking how we can help, well this is how you can help Thanks Guys
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