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Everything posted by cacjc

  1. Maybe she wants him to get the drugs and he won't do it It looks like he is saying no to something
  2. Well i gotta go do a job ill be gone for a hour or 2 let's hope i don't miss anything good keep the messages going so i can catch up when i get back
  3. If Danaya is coming back Ben she can slip straight back into the queen room I hope she is she has great tits and i don't think we saw her at her best last time
  4. If these 2 are leaving tomorrow the place will have to go UM straight away And they should have someone ready to come straight in because how can Belle stay in this apartment by herself she can't even sleep in her own room with the lights off
  5. I just saw Nelly's pussy in the shower it looks red raw bogden must really giving her pussy a workout
  6. If she did a decent masturbation session she might not still be horny 1 min masturbating is not enough
  7. Poor Belle left alone again She needs a girl around her age to hang out with I'm not saying these girls don't like her they do but they have their own little groups and Belle is not part of it.
  8. I don't know what is going to happen in the next month but i hope we don't lose any apartments. In Barcelona 1 Anna and polya their time is coming to an end. I hope we get 2 new girl's no more old girls unless it's Rebecca and Megan. In Barcelona 2 Stella and Lola are coming to an end and i hope the same thing happens there. So 4 new girl's in 2 apartments over the next month should keep us busy. As for Ilona and Irma no no no no no no I love them both but they have had their time.
  9. Iv'e thought that all night both are the type not to make the first move You can't tell me they were not aroused earlier but neither made the big step
  10. They are both too tired to do anything if something was going to happen it would have been after the bath in Stellas room
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