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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. Wow,Nora is watching tv and Kami is eating in the living room.They haven't said one word to each other since Kami came downstairs.
  2. The super beautiful Kami is in the kitchen fixing something to eat.Good morning,beautiful lady.
  3. merci pour votre conseil d'aller lire les anciens post!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D je suis depuis assez longtemps ici pour connaître le passé de rlc!!! ;D ;D si vous ne parlez pas russe, alors pourquoi tous ces post qui ne racontent que des inepties??!!! svp, ne postez plus vos délires imaginaires, cela nous permettrais de gagner de la place précieuse sur ce forum!!! thank you for your board to go read old post !!!! ; D; D; D; D I've been here long enough to know the past of rlc !!! ; D; D if you do not speak Russian, so why all these post which tell of nonsense ?? !!! Please, do not post your imaginary delusions, it permettrais us to gain valuable space on this forum !!! Enfin des paroles qui ont du sens complètement d'accord Corboblanc Valuable space for what? Fantasies about Kami and Kristy having sex on the balcony?
  4. I'm going to watch baseball on tv again.Need to follow two games tonight.My Cardinals are on tv and the Phillies on my computer.My second cousin's fiancé is pitching for the Phillies tonight.Hopefully,by the time the games are over the girls will be back.
  5. The only information I have is what people put on CC and what I see with my own eyes on RLC.That's the fun of this apartment is trying to figure what the hell is going on.I just take pieces of information I receive and try to piece them into some logical scenario.I admit that the night Kami got sick I may have over reacted.But I sincerely thought I saw some physical behaviors by her that concerned and frightened me.Whether my concerns were right or wrong I still am not sure,but Kami seems to be perfectly healthy now.Go check CC history and you'll see where I came up with pieces of info.How accurate they are I have no idea.Some people on CC say they speak Russian.I don't speak Russian so I have no way to prove nor disprove what they say.
  6. Chill out dude.I was engaging in light hearted speculation for fun.Are you on my case because everyone told you're suppose to be.I've never done anything to you,so lay off.
  7. Don't air flights come into the airport all night? Yes, but not from Russia to my knowledge. Most flights landing at this time of night will be for airlines who use Barcelona as a base. Oh well,looks likes it must be club time again.Party on.
  8. I was partly right in my prediction.I said Kami would wear a white dress when she went out.She wore half a white dress.Now the rest of the prediction was that she would go out to meet her boyfriend from Russia.
  9. So you can only have sex with people you love? :o Seriously, this is the 21st century! Sometimes it feels like the dark age. ;D let her make her own decisions. if she wants to have sex with someone she should, if not she shouldn't. Maybe that's the reason the 21st century is so fucked up.I grew up in the free love generation of 1960s and the 1970s.I saw people having a lot of sex,but I saw very little love.No one really cared about someone else as a human being.But you are right, if all she wants is a meaningless relationship, that is her right.But it is my right to hope for something better for her because she deserves it.
  10. Hell yes they'd be in their rooms,Kiko walks around nude when he's upstairs.
  11. The only thing I didn't like about Coco, was that she looked a little to much like this man: http://static8.imagecollect.com/preview/560/e2a6ba6839ac410 I don't want to bash any of the girls, but when I saw Kammi on the couch with next to her Milana and Coco it looked like a scene from Cinderella with her two ugly stepsisters :D I had that exact same thought.
  12. It won't bother me if the guy really loves and cares about her.I just don't want to see her used. I agree with your first sentence, but I don't think there is even a slight chance that Kamila would allow herself to be used. She is too smart for that. She won't do anything that she doesn't want (or agree) to do IMO. She might unknowingly be used and not find out until after the fact.
  13. Ok, Ok. I just got back on and saw your posts. The reason I didn't describe it in detail is because words don't do it justice. You have to also take into account the facial expressions of the people doing it (which in this case are Kamila and Kristy). As I said, I only know this because one of my girlfriends had done it to me and "taught" me how to do it. We actually performed this little "ritual" on a semi-regular basis. Please remember - words don't do it justice and it will probably sound dumb to most people. But, here goes my explanation: Picture 2 lovers where one is lying flat on the bed and the other is standing at the head of the bed looking down at the other. The one lying on the bed is positioned so that her (or his) head is up at the end of the bed where the other is standing. Both lovers have their arms exposed. In other words, there is nothing covering the bare skin of the arms. Then, the lover that is standing bends down as if they are going to kiss the other who is lying on the bed. But, instead of kissing, the one bending down lays her (or his) right arm on top of the right arm of the one lying flat on the bed. But, the arm positions are reversed. In other words, one has their arm stretched out with the hand and palm facing down (toward the bed) while the other one has their arm stretched out with the hand and palm facing up (toward the ceiling). So, at this point, the right arms of the lovers are touching completely from the tip of their fingers to the elbow joint area. The one who is standing at the head of the bed and bending over begins to move their arm gently back toward themselves and drags the hand (which is facing down) like they are lightly scratching the arm of the partner that is lying on the bed. They continue that touching/scratching movement until their hand is back up to their body position. Now, without stopping the movement they reverse the direction of the touching/ scratching movement and are then moving their arm back down their partner's arm until it again reaches the elbow area (skin is touching skin the entire time - fingers or palms of the one partner are gently caressing the underside of the arm of the other partner), This up and down arm movement is repeated as many times as the partners wish - usually at least a half-dozen times. Also, during the arm movement, the partners may decide to reverse their arms so that the one whose fingers were facing down and stroking the other's arm is instead the one who is receiving the stroking of the other partner. The symbolism is that this action allows the partners to "exchange life energy" so that they are each a part of the other signifying that they are "one" because of their love for each other. Then, when the partners are separated (or physically apart) from each other, they are in truth still "together" because they each have some of the other's "life energy" within them. It is a very spiritual "ritual" if you wish to call it that. It means that "we are always together". I know that my description is not great. I warned you that it was very difficult to describe. You have to see it or participate in it to fully understand. I did my best to describe it. Please don't be mad at me if you don't understand what I was trying to say or think that the whole symbolism thing is nonsense. I was asked to explain. In the scene which I just tried to explain, Kamila was the one standing at the edge of the bed and Kristy was the one lying on her back on the bed with her head pointing toward Kamila. That was what I meant by Kamila taking the "aggressive" role in this "dance" between two lovers. So, it is not always that Kristy takes the aggressive role in their "love play". Could you post a simplified version of this. Make sure you post it in the right thread though. Love play or close friendship?In what culture did this ritual originate?
  14. Did Kami read of her phone in English "What are you going to do today?"
  15. To me Kamila looks more like Natalie Wood then even before.
  16. What clothes will Kami wear to meet whoever is coming?I bet on the white dress.
  17. Careful ,Kristy,you're going to cut your fucking thumb off wtith that knife!!!!!!
  18. It won't bother me if the guy really loves and cares about her.I just don't want to see her used.
  19. What makes that scene all the more adorable is that Kamila was the one that asked Kristy to come over to the couch with her when Kristy was laying on the floor in front of the TV. Kristy smiled and got up and as she was walking over to the couch, Kamila smilingly patted a spot on the couch next to her with her hand to show Kristy that she wanted her closer than sitting all the way at the other end of the couch. For those of you who think that Kristy is always the "aggressor", here's some evidence that that is not true. Also, for those who are not able to see upstairs, there was a very touching scene where Kamila went over into Kristy's room and showed her how much she really likes her (sorry to disappoint, but no, they didn't have sex or touch her genitals or anything like that). Actually, If I hadn't had a woman do that very thing to me once in the past, I probably would not have realized what it was. But, it was a very intimate and loving act. I just love seeing these two girls interact and I am very happy that Kristy continues to accept Kamila's boundaries on how far to go. To me, they have a very special friendship. Why don't you tell us what she did to kristy if it's not sexual ?? Maybe Kamila's boyfriend is coming tomorrow.
  20. The same observation when I woke up and I was wondering why here is nothing on the matter. I can still see her toothbrush in the bathroom, her handbag in her room, and her laptop is in the living room. I didn't see if she just cleaned her room or packed her suitcase? I just don't seem like Kamila to clean like that for just cleaning her room. Today is the one month point of her arrival. History shows that to be about the average stay. I heard few days ago she got an offer from RLC for a second month, don't know she accepted or not, but i think she did... Heard from whom / where? Kamila speaking on phone with her bf.. And tomorrow she's meeting with her friend, don't know girl/boy ;,) Are you sure it was her boyfriend and not her girlfriend who she spoke to? I'm confused...You hear her talking with her boyfriend (how do you know it's her boyfriend?). And tomorrow she will meet him...but it can also be a girl. I'm lost here :D Kamila cleaned her room.Kamila received phone call from her boyfriend.Kamila suppose to meet someone tomorrow.Kamila and Kristy sleeping in their own bedrooms tonight. MAYBE HER BOYFRIEND WILL SPEND TOMORROW NIGHT WITH HER IN HER BEDROOM.
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