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Everything posted by Loner-69

  1. This is just a guess, but I think relationships where "one partner attempts to look and act like a man" are more of the older traditional way that lesbian couples related. I think that today, because the younger generation has grown up being encouraged by some to "explore" sexual options, there are more and more women who have experimented and decided they like the way women are more open and loving partners. I always used to say that I never understood why women liked men, but I was glad that they did. I said (and meant it) that if I were a woman, I would have to be a lesbian. he, he. Let's face it, most men can be real jerks when it comes to love relationships. They typically only care about getting off and most could care less whether the woman has been satisfied. I'm weirder than you.Example:When I was in the Army in Vietnam, we were paid once a month.One of the first things guys in my unit would do upon being paid would be to make their monthly trip to the local whore house.I would not go because I knew how I was.I do not have the ability to separate sex from love.I never have been my whole life.I knew that if I went to the whore house,there would be a good chance I would end up wanting to marry a Vietnamese prostitute.It kind of pisses me off because I probably missed out on a lot of fun during the "free love" era of the 1960s and 1970s.But that's the way I am. LOL
  2. I have a question about lesbian relationships that has always confused me.If two women want to be together in a same sex relationship to celebrate being women,why in many lesbian relationships does one partner attempt to look and act like a man?
  3. I wonder why Kami and Kristy don't sleep together anymore?
  4. And maybe some people are so caught up in this site that they are unable to see that some comments are made in jest.From now on when I am not being serious, I will be sure to put LOL after the comment ,okay?
  5. I believe Kamila is reaching the point where masturbation will no longer fully satisfy her.
  6. I disagree,I believe Kamila was wearing a white bra under her top with cut off jeans on her bottom.
  7. The only thing that will resolve this conflict are photos and videos.
  8. When Nora was watching her phone and laughing was she watching Kristy and Kamila?
  9. I've got a great idea,Kami.If they won't leave you alone in your room come down to the living room couch so that I can watch.
  10. Trying to figure out these girls will put us all in a mental institution.One minute no one is talking to anyone and the next minute they're best buddies.
  11. Let's start another conspiracy.I WONDER WHAT NORA PUT IN THE CUPCAKE.Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of the soap opera. LOL
  12. DFCCAP, YOU ARE FUCKING BANNED, ACCEPT IT ALREADY!! REMIND ME PLEASE, WHICH MEMBER WAS IT THAT SAID TWO DAYS AGO "HE'S FUCKING DONE WITH RLC, AND PROBABLY WON'T BE ON CAMCAPS EITHER"?? Yet he is still here I haven't looked at RLC since I said what I said! I said I was going to check in on CC from time to time, if that is ok with you!! You've missed some beautiful eye candy.
  13. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened to cause Kristy and Kamela to completely quit talking to and to avoid Nora.
  14. Maybe she's just having a bad day.Everyone has those.
  15. But all the MAYBES are what makes this place interesting and fun.
  16. Kamila and Kristy are behaving as if Nora is not even in the room.I almost feel sorry for Nora,she seems so alone.
  17. Kristy just came downstairs.She waved at Kami and said absolutely nothing to Nora.Now she talked to Kami,but no one is saying anything to Nora.
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