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Everything posted by Buster

  1. Quite the contrary, unlike Sofa, Katya I believe is into it and wants to do more. It is Ruslan who is more reserved. To his credit, he is affectionate towards her and does like cuddling with her and such. And the few times I've seen them about to fuck, she got real giddy and skipped to the bedroom in anticipation.
  2. It looks like a game. Can't tell which one it is though.
  3. It really wouldn't surprise me if they did sexual things out of the house.
  4. You're right I should but she's 10x worse. At least Diana is way more active. Sofa is a dead fish that screams a lot. Out of the two I would VERY CLEARLY choose Diana.
  5. Diana doesn't make enough noise for me to enjoy watching them fuck.
  6. Isabel maybe. Katya and Sofa, not a chance.
  7. I would pay money to have Roman and Ruslan switch places for like 2 months. That way Ruslan and Sofa can enjoy not fucking each other and Roman and fuck the brains out of Katya on a nightly basis.
  8. Alma and Stefan have been gone for a while now. If they were going to replace them they would have already done so. I agree with what Squirrel said about them shifting out of Spain but I also don't think RLC wants to have more than 7 couples.
  9. Man, just relax. They had one bad sexual experience out of a ton of good ones. Somehow I think they'll be fine.
  10. It's possible because they didn't put a camera in there. /end thread.
  11. As in the past, gone for 10 minutes, than back fucking. It's an old story. When I see him leave and the cams disappear, then I know it's for real. This.
  12. pffft.... Isabel? Good girl? Please. That bitch is fucking nuts. Marcelo is a dumbass for staying with her.
  13. You notice how this psycho bitch Isabel never makes a sound during sex but has no problems yelling like a damn cunt when she's arguing for no reason.
  14. Sometimes I really wonder what the fuck goes on in some of you peoples head when you make these stupid posts.
  15. It's because Aree is a fucking asshole. It's the same reason why he felt the need to create a completely unnecessary new video thread just to put "his" videos in, so he can steal other peoples work and claim them as his own.
  16. The only reason I can think of is none of the men she's fucked ever told her that she's horrible.
  17. Basically what themightyrasin said. This couple doesn't have sex. Can't make videos of something that doesn't happen.
  18. Would you people stop with the damn multi quotes?
  19. He's cum inside her before. More than just a couple of times.
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