Cute! I can assure you Sir I would not climb over her to get to you. YES, extremely cute.
This has the potential to turn into a very interesting apartment me thinks.
You could be right, I for one never watched the apartment, however, well aware that there would be a lot of people who enjoyed that apartment.
Anyway, if indeed they are gone, good luck to them and hope nothings happened to them.
You hit it on the head Sir. RLC do not give a damn as long as the monthly fee's roll in.
Be very careful if recording or capturing any of the rooms. RLC are extremely protective, even more than the US Government, and ruthless.
Hmm, new useless topics. OK correct I did jump to a conclusion and was wrong so far as you politely stated. I will not be so quick the next time.
However, as for this useless topic, at least it has created some interest.
Good question, and I do not know the answer.
However have you seen the cams, they are pretty well built into the apartments and moving them involves cabling and possible re-decorating.
In some apartments you can either see another cam reflected in a mirror or by a cam looking towards it.
As CCTV is part of my trade I would not like to have to go every other month and start moving those cams around.
Perhaps, perhaps, however, I doubt that a quick phone call from RLC saying "get your kit of in front of the cams, or else" would do the trick - unless they are desperate for somewhere to live.
Do you not think?
Anyway thanks for contacting RLC, at least they know we are paying attention.
Interesting the way the furniture has been re-arranged, do not think we are going to see much of any action in that room.
Unless of course they have re-arranged the furniture for close ups on cam one.