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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Eva is only wearing a thong on her bed. Sam and another guy are massaging her.
  2. The other girl may have been there for a party before too although I can’t pinpoint when. I think they will just be friends staying over this weekend in not new roommates.
  3. The one sitting on the window sill might be Angie’s friend from the first weekend
  4. Everyone at the pool topless except the guest. A little peer pressure. Nice.
  5. New girl is a tall redhead. Brought 2 more bottles of wine in her case. Now showing Anita and Nica the clothes she’s brought with her
  6. And just like that, the fucking closet rears it’s ugly head. Cleo and Tessa are in there, maybe also the other girl. Cleo closed thd door
  7. Here’s a thought. Maybe they are being split up to get seperate roommate apartments? .G&S in one, Angie and friends in the other? RLC might want to expand that portion of their single/roommate listings. It may be the reason they don’t seem to be rushing the move- waiting for RLC cam setup. I guess we’ll see even though new girls would have been better.
  8. They probably are still working on the pool cams until tomorrow so maybe RLC suggested the B4 girls go visit B2 tonight
  9. I get it’s cheaper, but I hate the bed in the kitchen and that closet to hide in for guests.
  10. I hope they aren’t moving to David and Carrie’s crap apartment
  11. Not sure that works either. I’ve complained 5 different times over the last few weeks about this issue including ten minutes ago and so far no response
  12. The other girl is using the dildo under the blanket/ I'm out
  13. Really cant figure out what is up with the other girl
  14. Tessa is kind of comical. Doesn’t really like losing the strip games but keeps visiting.
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