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About jham

  • Birthday 11/29/1965

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  1. She is getting to do what she always wanted to do with Kami
  2. Watching Kaley's social Media she has found her a man friend
  3. She is the one that used to try and cover up what the other girls were doing, with a towel or sheet, where we could not see. She is not worth a shit.
  4. Thanks Noldus, does anyone no where Ariana has gone for the night
  5. I agree with you she is the best on there now, and one of the all time best, I also like Little Amy, she had always been so shy.
  6. She had the best bate I have seen in the 5 years that I have watched RLC. She started cumming and it just keep poring out, very few times when the girls get off you don't see anything. just a lot of noise and acting
  7. Where in the Hell is Hugo when she needs him to take care of the guest girl.
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