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Barry Elephant

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Everything posted by Barry Elephant

  1. I once heard somebody use the expression: "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"
  2. no, if you want to use an insulting word, then you carry on, that's up to you, just as it is up to others to "offend" you for doing it if they wish
  3. er..yes, they do my bubble is just fine. yours is looking a little fragile there
  4. so it would be a "desperate decision" for you to do something like that? nothing to do with what is going on in the apartment. Thanks
  5. why do you say it was a "desperate decision"? what tells you that?
  6. I don't watch the apartment so I can judge people cleaning. Don't really care who cleans
  7. nice first post at what / who is it directed, please?
  8. people will grumble and complain about anything on this site
  9. there are plenty of places on the internet where this "entertainment" can be found cheaper or free why should RLC become just another chaturbate or whatever other "entertainment" site you care to name? that's not what RLC sell. You can only buy from them what they are selling, and they aren't selling that.
  10. it seems to be assumed on here that they are paid "per click" or "per view" (that seems to be generous on top of free living expenses) do we know if that's true? is there any real information the dogs and cats in other apartments do the same thing to the motion detectors that the tv does in this apatment
  11. you are paying for what you get under the RLC terms of service It is there on the site. IIRC it is linked at the bottom of any page
  12. without "defending real life cam" I am interested to know if there are any "rules" and does anybody know what they are. I have searched old threads, and find that a lot of posters on here talk about tenants obligations to RLC but for the most part these seem to be based on assumptions. Can anybody point me in the right direction on this please?
  13. IIRC there was a thread not so long ago which many on here thought was started by Paul Sorry to disappoint you on the multiple account thing. I am not aware of any 'support' I wasn't aware that was a thing here. Who is it you think are my 'supporters'? On that subject, are you Canito's spare account? lol he seems to enjoy giving me hate
  14. p!ssing laughing at the mental image of a network cable sitting with the end in a dish to catch the data! :)
  15. I wonder what happens when we "run out of space"? do all the characters that we try and type fall off our computer screens into a little pile. will there be a 'clunk' noise as we scroll down to the end of the available space, and our browsers can scroll no further. better save space guys, no more wasting it. there isn't enough internet to go round
  16. indeed. it probably has a negative effect on everything that happens in front of the cameras. and if it were all in good fun, as someone just suggested, I am sure that it would have less of an effect, but the truth is that a lot of the comment about Paul on these threads is just vile. really nasty stuff. no fun in it, no humour in it at all.
  17. apparently so you didn't buy English speaking entertainment. with all the 'expertise' on here, I wonder why there hasn't been a site started which is similar to RLC but where cams never go into maintenance, the girls do exactly what everyone expects, all the time, never have any pricacy, or use a mobile phone or laptop, and the tenants translate what they say into different languages simultaneously
  18. there is no doubt that everyone is entitled to have an opinion, however ill or well informed that opinion may be there is no doubt about that. having an opinion, however, does not necessarily entitle you to express it however you want to whosoever you want in whatever terms you like. I may have an extremely low opinion of you. it would be bad manners of me to shout it on the internet, or to call you out on it in front of your children, say, in coarse terms. that's another great thing about life, while we are delivering petty lectures on the great things about life - - respect for others That's a fine thing about life. and forums. That's because no one is above anyone on this earth and we were all created equally.
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