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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Yes absolutely pitiful. And Emma is still MIA. Wonder if she will ever return.
  2. Painted hair seems less inhibited and frigid than Emma but I guess 98% of all girls are
  3. Lets hope for the fix tmrw. Fortunately I have only one appt now with new timeline. If you dont reload browser window you stay with the old version which is still working
  4. So this is it now: Guys playing video games, girls doing their hair and makeup like teenage girlies... Oh dear
  5. They argued the entire night only interrupted by the sex in the morning...
  6. Veeery nice. Another thing I noticed is that obviously times on timeline now are UTC times and not local times. Minor issue but I think I mention it
  7. So if I get you right there will be activity graphs like on the RLC timeline where you can precisely click at?
  8. Hope they get over their conflict. Would be not nice losing those two
  9. Is Emma at least still there? The bedroom they slept in looks complete cleaned up and abandoned
  10. Thanks the scrolling from the old timeline was not bad. It just got a little unprecise to navigate the further you went back. Last two hours were ok. Is there a way to get the old timeline back until your fixes are done because in the present state you cant use it as intended. Once again thanks for all your efforts you do to make this site better from day to day
  11. I will give you a more detailied feedback. I am of the opinion too its worse than before. Now you cant navigate to a specific minute. You just make jumps of at least 4 minutes which makes it impossible getting back to a specific moment. And the timeline now without scrolling is too short which makes navigation to a certain time quite impossible. Unfortunately for me its useless at the moment
  12. I dont think they will improve but lets give them a lil more time
  13. Dont worry this is not VV. When they contribute nothing and the girl continues those unnatural hiding they will be gone soon.
  14. Nice idea displaying small ads for free users. Helps you make money to maintain and add new appartements and features in future.
  15. Yes gaming boy Peter and shy girl Emma are totally strange if you ask me
  16. So I guess when the two have sex will it be either fully clothed in the dark under the blankets or behind the drawn shower curtain. This can be either funny or awkward.
  17. I think its normal as they are both a very fresh couple see them struggle and argue sometimes. For the sex: I could not see any abuse or violence like Anna & Alex.
  18. Instead theres now a kid only want to play video games and a girl too shy for some monastaries
  19. He did shower. She not. Shes wayyy to shy. It makes her uncomfortable even being topless in the dark for a view moments. Maybe she will shower in the dark
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