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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. That kid is rather in interested in gaming than in the hot chick besides him
  2. Uh my first impression is still those guys are no way made for life on cam. They are the shyest couple at beginning on VH so far. Big improvement is needed. And its impossible for me those two are swingers and can get sth. going with Anna and Alex
  3. I sense absolutely no sexual tension between them like it was with the hot couple. Btw: Wheres Alex?
  4. I have the strong feeling I have seen new guy Peter before. But I dont know where and when...
  5. They said they will fix the sound. If Layla still wears no panties Mick gets some nice views
  6. Yeah that horny dirty girl actually used Erics cum as lube to finnish herself off.
  7. Angie separates herself from the bunch. All but Angie are playing cards in EL bedroom
  8. Lets welcome Peter and Emma. May they bring fun and sexyness in this appartement and enjoy their life there together with Anna and Alex
  9. Nope no sound. You can hear Eric and Layla talking on cam4 and cam5 but no sound on cam6
  10. Yes maybe... Still strange as she would have shown nothing but her underwear when she changed in bedroom. And cam is in shower room too...
  11. The new girl is strange. Changed in the shower room. Why? She even did not take bra off. Timeline 18:53
  12. Mhhh VHTV tweeted theyre swingers... So maybe they are wild ones...
  13. Did she ever take a shower there?
  14. You must be fair here: Those guys are not responsible when their package with tech equipment got hold off by customs.
  15. Thanks. Very nice. You getting better and better
  16. Thanks for info. Makes two appartements in february then. Looking forward to it
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