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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I am pretty sure it does not have to do with camcaps. They were in the Bedroom watching a movie, then get dressed, went out and came back arguing...
  2. Ok then they are not the right people. Simple as that But I guess they only had an argument and hope for makeup sex in the morning
  3. Dont think so. If you agree to live like them and you should see that coming
  4. Trouble in paradise? Both sleeping on sofa
  5. That was the most boring and unsexy introduction of new people on VHTV until now.
  6. She could get completely naked and start bating besides him and gaming boy wont recognize
  7. The facial expression of Anna sitting besides gaming boy is priceless
  8. They should have totally moved in the hot couple they had a foursome with. That would improve their sex life. The present couple could not be more unsuitable for that
  9. Dude I already told you its still on timeline. In the pics @HarveyB postet above you see the time you must naivgate too. If thats too hard for you to do Im sorry
  10. Playing cards again. Will Angie give Mick a chance again?
  11. Not very diplomatic but soooo true. They look to me like kids trying sth. out mommy forbid them
  12. Must be still on timeline. Btw thats the right topic for Sveta:
  13. False alarm Nick just showed up. So maybe Alex is out screwing the hot black haired girl because he knows those kids are no good
  14. Hahaha yes. Rather Nick will show up with Alex and they will both pass out totally drunk on sofa. Nick can do what he wants. VV cant afford to throw him out
  15. Dont know and could be coincidence. But they are best buddies and I guess they hang out together
  16. Shes veeery shy. Took her bra UNDER top off in hidden spot, turned him down when he wanted more after massaging her. And she took her top off to sleep only after he switched the lights off. Lets see how this will go. Can be funny or awkward to watch. We will see.
  17. Yes could be. But must be only a short visit without overnight stay
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