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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Nobody needs botox in the lips. Its simply stupid to do it
  2. Was just makin a joke. No political discussions dont worry
  3. Lol. But Trump is running the whole USA via Twitter now
  4. Problem is actually the area (kitchen + living room) is too large for only two cams. But when I understand right they do not have a third cam yet. I hope they will move the table towards the sofa when they are playing games now. Then the view would be really good
  5. Yeah running smooth as silk now for me. Well done. Crisis averted
  6. Well look at that. VH has already beaten VV... First pic is VV 2nd is VHTV
  7. Thanks as always fast and honest answer. Maybe you should be a lil careful with Trumps America now
  8. Cam1 and cam2 still missing light. Image way too dark.
  9. Wonder how long it takes til they recognize that the stupid bag is blocking cam14
  10. Newsletter says we will get another new appt. in february. Can you say when you have up some English speaking appartments?
  11. Wish you success for fixing. I know such issues can be hard to find and fix
  12. Their rapid movements are the lagging and time shifts of cams.
  13. Well I trust them a lot more than VV
  14. VHTV said there will be English speaking appartements soon. I would not expect anything from VV however
  15. You think its possible to get the old structure back? Preferences in Poll are pretty clear: Its also favoured by @Voyeur House TV
  16. Hope we will get another cam there. Other solution would be to move table towards the sofa. I agree table now too far away.
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