Party was quite boring. Petra having sex nothing new. Nina also. Sonya looked not in the mood to party. And the two new girls. No action with them going on both being glued to their clothes. I dont think it will work out with the two. They are two shy and bashful. Btw. I would be really interested to know how VV casts new people. I would say there is a lot of room for improvement.
So "she who shall remain nameless and is glued to her bra" fortunately seems to be only a guest ;)
Mr1010 hope the blizzard wont hit so hard. Here in Germany we have icy rain now and the ground is frozen and very slippery. Can barely walk outside...
New girl should stop wearing that stupid bra. :curse: No other girl on VV does wear one. Would be a good sign from VV it they ban wearing underwear when it is not necessary (period for example)
VV is a sexy voyeur site and not a camsite. I dont like the direction this appartement goes to. If tenants want to cam all day they should leave :bang head: :bang head: