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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. I saved videos of that place. When you want something specific please request it.
  2. Did the boring cammers fuck off?
  3. Never saw her with a boyfriend before.
  4. Tell VHTV who open more and more of that weird places...
  5. Had to read most Shakespeare books at school so this brings up funny memories 😁
  6. In the GMT+7 this always has been the case...
  7. Too much Shakespeare lately. This one was Macbeth
  8. Depends on what the manager tells them to do.
  9. I think you do not need to buy them. Quite easy to make them yourself 😉
  10. I put the video in the video topic...
  11. You can also send me a pm. When I am online I can tell them fast.
  12. I wonder why he checked the bathroom? I usually don't keep any valuables there
  13. 09:25am what date? I am checking the 48 hour timeline in ops panel to find it but no success yet...
  14. I was asking because I saw Milagra with a bandage on arm earlier and was wondering if it was from that...?
  15. But that is not Romeo & Juliet? AFAIK it is Hamlet...?
  16. He did that with Milagra? The hot girl? Or with Anita? The not hot girl.
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