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Everything posted by jabbath1987

  1. Yes that is her. I guess she needs a new place now with D&S offline for relocation
  2. Nope she already did when they lived in the now Ilka Sam place.
  3. Most cams are HikVision. They are as evil as Cisco I guess 😉
  4. When they broke up they can hopefully move Leeloo & Corben back in here.
  5. Thanks. Yes too bad she's on red days. Soon we can see her completely in her best clothes again ❤️
  6. They are now on their own in that place and still rarely leave the bedroom 👎
  7. @All yes I see the problem with the too high mounted cams on many places in the appartement. Honestly I was not bothered too much by it by now as it is really a lot looking like her very first place. Cams there were not good either I know. Not home at the moment but when I get home and have time I will see if something can be done with the cams.
  8. Hmmm Maybe. Not sure. I don't think as participants again but rather as guests.
  9. Thanks. Once again the fumes of the oracle lead the priest on the right way 😁
  10. To some people a cam is still a fascinating piece of tech 😉
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