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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. Balt is probably on pins and needles just waiting for Sergio to catch the bouquet and propose. Maybe it will be a double wedding and honeymoon.
  2. You did not know that Gina is a well known world class ballerina? I thought everyone knew she has a Ballet coming up.
  3. Mike any idea when the wedding is for Harley and Ed2? I know it can't be to far away Harley cannot hold it in very long and I know that ED2 is awfully hungry for wht Harley has for him. I wonder if Mikelima and Sergio will be bridesmaids and get sloppy seconds?
  4. Sergio how do you know it was him? Maybe Mikelima did it just to make you think it was him. You know how Mikelima is.
  5. First of all Mikelima I do not kiss cows that is your game. Second you can understand what you want all you want but you cannot always have it your way. Write whatecer you want but MissX is not going to wear high heels or get naked for you. She is a guest so only does what she wants , when she wants and she does not want to get naked for you.
  6. Ed2 this last one is typical when you are waiting for HFB to show up.
  7. Ed2 I see you did loose weight, here is your previous pic.
  8. Mikelima when are you going to understand MissX is not a tenant and does not have to get naked and show anything to you. Especially when you call her names and demand that she does something.
  9. Here is Ed2 waitng for HFB to pick him up. By the way ed2 is in the batman clothes.
  10. Mike you forgot this one of HFB on his hog or this one showing off his new clothes
  11. seb why do you continue to disrespect the girls. You do not see me disrespecting a female member of your family , so why disrespect and call the girls names?
  12. Naga, Sofia and Nicole just left. Maybe Nicole is going to buy a new dildo and batteries while they are out. Glad to see Nicole has someone to pal around with, hope Rosie gets along with her also. By the way I wonder if Rose even knows there is a new girl, since she was gone when Sofia came in.
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