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Everything posted by Snakeater

  1. If you read the whole post properly I did not say she was bad . Some people have implied that she was not talking to Rose. As usual you like to turn things around.
  2. Des between Mikelima and the game I do not know which is worse in turning what has been said around to suit them.
  3. Miss X does not have to show anything if she does not want to. She is a guest not being paid by RLC to show you anything.
  4. Type in bold because it is easier to see without my glasses. Do not make comments you have no knowledge about.
  5. Don't see in my posts wre I say she is bad. Get your facts straight before you comment on someone else's post.
  6. Sometimes you just have to come out and spell it out for people. Talking around something does not always work. Besides I know about the lone wolf moniker from personnal experience.
  7. Concerning Nicole and everyone saying she should or should not talk or go someplace with Rose. Did anyone happen to think that Nicole may be a lone wolf. She may prefer to be on her own and like her privacy and not need or want interaction with other people. This does not make her bad and some people may say she is unsociable because of it.
  8. When they bring in a new girl we will make sure you are the 100th person to find out. Gina gets to stay in B1 another 6wks. In fact she is going to get the big bed just so you can see her better.
  9. Nicole must want some company in bed. She is in her room nude and her door is open. Wonder who the invite is for? Rose or MissX
  10. Good morning all. Naga by being Nicoles panty liner in disguise you do realize at the end of the day you end up in the trash. Meanwhile I am still in her panty drawer.
  11. RLC probably has someone lined up to come to B2, but because of a previous engagement cannot show up right away.
  12. Phantom the way Max says stocking the apts. you would think he was talking of stocking a fish pond or stocking a herd of cows.
  13. Leora very nice view. Please do more after 20:00 or 8:00pm. Before that I am in bed or you are in bed most of the time I get to see you. Thank you in advance Goddess.
  14. Nope because they had someone ready to move in. That girl may have had something come up that could not be refused or put off. That means they have to find someone who is available. This time of year that might be a little hard at the last minute.
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