That STOP LINE is there for a reason. Scooter rider thinks he's just too cool to abide by it. Dumb ass truck driver is just running a red light and payed the price for his stupidity. The light was red before he entered the intersection.
That dude is so damned annoying, I can't even watch one of his videos. He sounds just like Kackling Kamala.
Why can't he just talk to you like an adult? I probably forgot more about wrenching than he professes to know.
I walk quite a bit, but not for the same reasons a lot of people do. I couldn't stand to just sit around getting fat. I gotta move.
I do 2.7 miles early in the morning (05:00ET) and the same anytime in the mid afternoon, only the afternoon is a little slower. Timing? I don't really time myself because of all the tree sniffing that goes on.
With a Black Lab/Great Dane mix, he's a long legged guy and like to get out and cruise. The morning is more of a trot for me. The afternoon in the heat is a bit slower and we both get water breaks. The dog has his own water bottle that he drinks from and he doesn't leave any on the ground.
I'd have beat the fucker dead with the muffler. If I would have shot him first, I'd be in jail for murder.
But, funny, the dude says, 'if I'd have been carrying'. I never leave the house without a .380 or 9mm. Talking about it useless.
Yeah, since about 1976.
Because it's upon the American car maker to protect the worlds climate, they have to design more complicated junk that breaks down and no one can fix it or even get parts for the issue.
I'll be curious to see how long the replacements last. They may be just factory replacements that never made it to the production line and are just as much junk as the original was. We'll see.
NEVER turn your steering wheel for anyone.
Now dipshit goes on his merry way and you are left with a wrecked truck.
Take the MFer's with you if you have to go out.
A braid-headed hood-rat buys a fucking Merc and can afford an oil change? And the car has bald tires and he doesn't know it? What kind of a bullshit story is all of this? Fucking stupid piece of shit!