You go to the Polls, on Election Day, produce a legal Voter's Registration Card and one other valid form of ID. You vote, filling out an actual paper ballot that is secured in a locked container until the time in which it is counted and verified at least twice. None of this absentee, mail in, phone in, Internet voting BS. Military personnel serving overseas are exempt. They should be able to vote at their Base and the ballots returned to a certified election center to be counted and verified.
Yes, I like early voting. Not everyone has the luxury of wasting an entire day at the polls. But, I still go to a state registered polling place to cast my ballot. What happens after I feed it into the machine, I don't know. I can at least have the 'feel good', idea that I did my civic duty. Does my vote actually count toward anything? None of us here really know the answer to that question. We can only hope!