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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I have heard of a pride of lions before, but not a gay pride of lions. And I watched a lot of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" when I was young. Maybe there was a "Mutual of San Francisco's Wild Kingdom" that I missed. Hell, I don't know.
  2. As far as there being plenty of gays as he puts it in the animal kingdom,.. Perhaps he's referring to those species that went extinct. ;D Hard to repopulate when your just drilling another males asshole I would think.
  3. Your right about that, except perhaps with myself. To me it's just a yawn. Just one big pajama party. And I outgrew that sort of thing a long, long time ago.
  4. Yeah, but they don't have much luck in producing any off-springs. And the thought of a bull elephant trying to hump another bull elephant must have scattered the rest of the female heard I recon. Female Elephant talking to her friend: "Hey get a load of those two over there,.. I wouldn't care to even drink from the same water hole with either one of them." Her female friend: "Yeah, I know,.. Things are getting pretty tough around here anymore."
  5. And a kind word of advise to you Rubberball. Don't ever let people corral you,.. It's good to jump a fence every now and again.
  6. I guess I got lost in the weeds, but thanks for pulling me out.
  7. There's a whole army of them, I know. And frankly it scares me a bit to think of a bunch of guys all marching around in panties. It just isn't natural. :o
  8. Honestly Maturin, I sort of suspected that myself. It's getting to be something of an old ruse around here. First Tay, then EMI, which was probably taken from an old record label, and now Angelikas Desire,.. Eeek! What kind of a fucked up name is that? And to answer the question "why so hostile." I thought you were mocking Watcher, whom I considered a friend with your "Goody two shoes remark." Tell me that you didn't mean it that way, and I'll gladly change my view about you and say that you are the classiest whore on the corner, just to be nice. LOL
  9. What a worthless piece of diatribe. You want so much to come off as if your too classy for the men who post on this site, but your name, Angelikas Desire, speaks of some worn out whore one might stumble across at some desolate truck stop somewhere. Very telling. How's business by the way? Are you getting much traffic there? Maybe it's time for you to move on.
  10. Back by popular request, even if nobody asked for it.
  11. Kids are fine until they become teenagers, then they want to stab you in your sleep. Or so it seems. Daughter: "Daddy, I want to run away with Tyrone. He said he'll take me to Paris once he's done with this drug deal he's working on." Father: "Over my dead body!" "Your only fifteen for one thing, and he's just a three time loser." "Even Obama wouldn't want him for his son." Daughter: "OK daddy, you win,.. Good night, and sweet dreams."
  12. I would fear more for the dog instead.
  13. That so called 'Tube Clock', is a device that counts down the time in which Paul will rendezvous with the mother ship. Aliens that offend mask themselves in a humanoid form, such as Paul, are hindered by and limited in two crucial aspects. They have very small, albeit tiny lungs, which is more than sufficient for their own planetary atmospheres but are unable to exert themselves for very long here on Earth. That is why he is incapable or unable to display any appreciative amounts of energy, and explains why he often relies upon Leora being on top and doing much of the work, as well as accounts for the short duration in which he is unable to sustain himself during that of this human form of procreation. Often others have wondered how he can just sit there while Leora is completely naked and hot enough to light a match off of. Well, the simple truth is, these other worldly creatures just aren't that interested in fucking girls, though they do seem to show a marked preference and interest in that of dogs. If she should one day take to barking, believe me, he would suddenly jump to attention. Like many, I have been studying him now for quite some time, and can state with almost complete certainty that Paul is not of this world. I also would council that others keep a close watch on him as well, and his little tinkering's. Your country, and this world, may well depend upon it!
  14. You've got to love it. Even the Democrat party is pulling away their support for Hillary right now. But just look at what that vacant, derelict party is now proposing for their candidates. A devout socialist communist, Bernie Sanders, and that other bumbling fool, Joe Bidden. Is it any wonder with these corrupt and inept fuckers that make up the Democrat party that this country is in the sad condition that it currently is in. Not to mention that Muslim they managed to put into the White House.
  15. Trump is an egotist, which in this situation is a good thing. His name and reputation means everything to him, so he is most likely going to be bound and determined to succeed in the things that he had promised. I really believe that he loves this country, and disparages the ways in which the liberals and Democrats have done so much over the years to bring it's greatness down. And fuck those that use that political contrivance known as 'Political Correctness' to try to bully and silence people from speaking their own minds, or from stating the truth for what it truly is. They have even gone so far as to try to keep the people from saying the most innocent of things at times such as "Merry Christmas" both in our schools and in our stores. It's not a "Winter Festival", or a "Happy Holliday",.. It's fucking Christmas, whether these maggots like it or not! Those Marxist cocksuckers use those type of tricks in order to diminish the importance of God, so that they can set about taking away what our founding fathers once said were our "God given rights", and also to see just how far they can go in actually stifling the truth and free speech. And all with the help of the liberal media. Personally, I have always been ten steps ahead of these treasonous pigs in their schemes and plans, and that's why it used to pain me to no end to have to sit back without a microphone myself in order to try to wake this country up from it's own languid or cowardly stupor. But perhaps Trump might be able to do just that after so many years of us 'True Americans' just always taking it up the ass.
  16. I'msurprisedlonerevenbotherstoputspacesbetweenhiswords. Mindless dribble that it is, it's hardly worth venturing through.
  17. The inhabitants of RLC are grown adults, and fully realize what type of comments and such may take place concerning them in this. That is the risk that they have decided to take.
  18. I can't believe just how naïve or immature some of the people here seem to be. They are hyper sensitive to anyone voicing a derogatory comment towards the inhabitants of RLC. By their comments in trying to control others in this, one would have to assume that they only watch 'G' rated movies or other childish things. In my opinion, this ridiculous protest upon their part, not only would remove any humor or liveliness within this forum, but will cause it to eventually dry up and choke over time upon it's own gauze.
  19. "As your gynecologist I'm happy to report your fine ma'am." Just remember fellas, it will stretch a mile before it tears an inch.
  20. I don't blame you Euromike. It wouldn't surprise me given her popularity if you should see them one day being auction off at Sotheby's. Auctioneer: "Shall we start the bidding off at a thousand gentlemen,.. Now who will give me two?" "You there, with the enormous shopping cart, did you raise your hand?"
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