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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Oh,.. I understand now. Well his name is Barrack Hussein Obama. He is a half black, anti-American, white hating Muslim, that the liberals somehow voted in. Why do you ask?
  2. My boss? What are you trying to say? I'll take the bait just this once since you have a bit of a problem with English.
  3. I know,.. They're a tiresome brood. Too stupid to intentionally enter into a conversation with.
  4. Don't make me laugh with that nonsense about Blacks built America. But I'll give something to chew on. Did you know that it was the Democrat party that fought to keep slavery alive. And that during the sixties also fought against desegregation? Are you aware of that fact? Look, believe what you want, and think what you want. I'm not in the business of trying to win over liberals. It would be far less laborious a task for me to strap on a hundred pounds on my back and then go mountain climbing than to waste my time trying to get some of you to finally wise up out there.
  5. They're scum alright, their actions over and over again have made that abundantly clear. Have you seen some of their more recent victims, to where they had these people, with their hands and feet chained to a pole and then while they hung there upside down on this pole they slow roasted them alive. Nothing but bloodthirsty barbarians. That's all that they are.
  6. Here they are in Dearborn Michigan stoning Christians. This used to be one of the cleanest, nicest communities that resides close to Detroit.
  7. My heart and my hopes go out to those countries that are protesting and opposing this un-welcomed migration into their own communities. They don't need someone to have to draw pictures for them as to the logical outcome over such an event in the next ten to twenty years. Simply put, they don't want Istanbul in their own backyard, or carved up "No go zones" in their communities to where only the Muslims are allowed to inhabit, such as France currently has. It must be a great shock and a bit of a throw back to any visiting tourist now going to France to see 'Abdullah's fine pastries and Bon Bons' painted on the quaint shop signs there. And I suppose it won't be long before the Muslims there end up placing a bronze statue of Mohamed, sabre in hand, and mounted upon his great charger on top of the Eiffel tower there in gay Paree'. Won't that make for a charming picture as well. "Make sure you get all of the horse in the frame Martha,.. They aint going to believe this shit back home."
  8. I know. But I said that to make a point that if the gutless EU countries would joint in to actually destroy these barbarians, then the refugees wouldn't have had to flee their native homes in the first place. Fat chance on the EU taking up arms as well, unless it's against that of it's own citizenry.
  9. And look at how the liberal can't refrain from twisting and distorting what another person has said, in order to try to elicit some sort of support from those who haven't read what was actually said. My focus was on those in the middle east that are causing the brutal and inhumane deaths there to those that do not comport to their sadistic Islamic ways. And as far as those refugees now flooding those EU countries,.. Lets see just how beneficial they will become in another ten or twenty years to those countries. And yes, those barbarians there in the middle east do need to be destroyed over there. And then your poor refugees can move back into their homes once again.
  10. You liberals question where I get my news.. Geez, you people really do just drift through life with your eyes closed. Just who was it that killed all those reporters in France not too long ago? I will not deny the truth of what my own eyes have seen on the news. I see the reality of the way things truly are, even if it makes you bedwetting liberals upset to have to hear it. Sure,.. Leave it to a liberal to want to eliminate free speech. They can't face reality, and don't want to have to listen to those views that do not coincide with that of their otherwise sophomoric and juvenile school yard mentality. And just as in other occurrences in the news, the liberals here are apparently trying to bully others into having their own way once again, at the expense of those of others. You ask,.. Would I publish the same post if my real name were revealed? Are you trying to intimidate me with that type of question? Well let's get something straight here Charlie, I'm not afraid or ashamed of the views that I hold. And it's because of the problems, and the ineptitude of the liberals in this world that I have taken this stance against them and their failed policies. If you want to destroy your own countries, have at it. But I will fight to defend what is left of my own country and do all that I can to return it to the once great and vibrant country that it used to be. The home of the brave, and the land of the free.
  11. And just as you said Ozi, Germany has now lost their national identity and sovereignty, as well as those other EU countries as well. But that's what you get when you have people in charge who don't care about the welfare of their own sovereign lands, and who have no concept over cause and effect. For thousands of years these countries have fought off invaders and did what was necessary in order to preserve their own culture and their own way of life, only to surrender it all now without even a single shot being fired. And that my friend is called liberalism. And wait until these non-thinking liberals over there begin to lose their tourist trade. Which typically is a huge source of revenue for these countries. People aren't going to want to spend thousands of dollars just to go and see Muslim mosques on every other German street corner, or hear that nauseating Islamic call to prayer outside their hotel windows. But like everything else, they probably haven't thought about that yet. Personally, I can't wait until the Muslims start to bellyache and bitch about the alcohol being served at their long held tradition of October fest. That ought to be a hoot. Lets see if that doesn't drive the native Germans right out of that country, much like it drove the once civilized people right out of the city of Dearborn Michigan.
  12. An A+ for Ozi, as usual. And your absolutely right. But here's my thoughts upon that. Let them see the utter ruin and complete annihilation of the middle east, and then lets see if they want to run through the streets of Paris or Amsterdam killing innocent non-Muslims again. Let them see just how determine we have become in a no holds barred total destruction of them and their bullshit way of life. And then we'll see if they still want to be such a nuisance to the rest of the world. You have to knock the wind out of them before they will finally realize the tides has turned against them in this. That's just the way that I feel about it now after so many years of just playing footsies with them all. I'm not going to try to spell out word by word the details of how it should get done, except to say that you would have to strike up an alliance with Russia, making the outcome of such a thing mutually beneficial for them as well in order to prevent a problem with them a little further down the road. But with a little guts and some gun powder it can be done.
  13. Your right on the money there Snaky. I'm going to say something now, and I don't care how it may sound. To me, if we ever get around to it, we need to fight these bastards in the same way that the ancient Romans fought the Etruscans. They killed every last one of them and then salted the earth from where they were slain. These barbarians have to be destroyed in much the same way. Sparing the women and children of course. In some dire cases, and this is definitely one, the old adage of fighting fire with fire still holds true. And unless we find the resolve, and the iron will to get this thing done, the world will remain a bleak and dangerous place for people to bring up their kids.
  14. Speaking of which, Where is Mr. Foamy T. Squirrel anymore? Let him know that we do take attendance around here.
  15. I think we scared the poor hatchling away. Too bad. I thought that he was off to a fine start. Perhaps he's just shy. I'll see if I can help. Are you trying to say that you need some pretty girl to sit on your face? Am I getting close?
  16. This is one of the funniest first postings from someone I had ever come across. :D Not really sure just what it is that you need, though personally I could go for a pizza right now.
  17. Yeah, I know what you mean. Coca Cola might have had more success with this product placement endeavor if Kinko would have shoved that empty bottle up Nora's ass. That kind of thing might have had some kind of effect upon me. But other than that, I don't fall for those cheap advertising gimmicks the way certain others might.
  18. Like I said Ozi. That just as with a child they will stubbornly deny it, because they can't handle it. But I suppose it wasn't a complete waste of time in this case, because now he's hunkered down in his little corner with his thumb in his mouth just fuming away over it all. How funny! And I noticed he didn't need rational facts, as he calls them, to lambast Karen and to swear up and down that she was not a real woman, when everyone who knows her better, just laughed about this behind his back. And another thing imbecile, Rationality has to do with reasoning and has no direct bearing on what has been shown to be an indisputable fact. A persons reasoning can be faulty, but facts are just that, facts. But he goes ahead and links these two words together, simply because it makes him feel that he comes off sounding smarter, when the opposite is what actually takes place to anyone who truly knows better. He reminds me a lot of Fredo in "The Godfather". "I'm smart,.. not dumb, like everyone says, but smart,.. and I want respect!" ;D
  19. That's why I don't debate liberals, it's like beating your head against the wall. How many times, even leaving me out of this, have you seen a person argue persuasively with facts at hand, only to have the fucking liberal just refuse outright to accept the fact that they may have been wrong. With them, the whole exercise is just pointless and futile to even be bothered with. They are not only blind to the truth and to reality, they are very much childlike in the way that they will stubbornly deny it, because just as with a child, they frankly can't handle it.
  20. Crawl back into your hole Maturin. Everything you have to say around here is both pompous and full of shit. But the worse part about you is that your such a fucking bore. And to show the world what a liar you truly are,.. How is it that if you ignore my post,.. you always manage somehow to respond to it? Your just another mindless liberal in this world, just drifting through life with your eyes closed.
  21. Back at their old apartment, Nora and Kinko had a big empty coke bottle just laying there on the floor. And for a while there I thought that maybe they had just left it there sort of as a toy of sorts for goat man to gnaw on, but instead it just laid there completely unharmed for a good couple of weeks. So now it seems pretty obvious that the people there at Coca Cola had told Nora and Kinko to leave a bottle of coke somewhere where people can't help but notice it.
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