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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I know. They're so weird. I really do think that some of them are only twelve years old.
  2. Well here's another clue. It's not the constellation of Orion's Belt either,.. But what's lies beneath his belt. Think Milky Way.
  3. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Hey kids, guess what this is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No, It's not a choo choo. . ... . . . . . . . .
  4. You know, I met a guy once who had a tattoo on his upper arm of a skull with a dagger stuck through its eye. Well, the guy was a good Joe, so I told him that I've seen that sort of thing before and never really understood it, as the skull is obviously long past his pain and all, so I didn't really see the point. But I also added that if he really wanted to get others to wet their pants, that he should get a tattoo of one of those adorable white baby seals with his head being bashed in, and blood squirting out of it like 'Old Faithful'. Then the whole world would know what a truly despicable bastard you really are. I told him that even I would have taken notice of that, and I don't scare very easily. He just laughed, but I could see he was contemplating it. And 'Newbies', please don't cry. For while the story is true, I wasn't really being serious at the time.
  5. Which, of course, you don't. Oh but I do know you punk. Just another cowardly little worm hiding behind the internet skirt.
  6. Yeah, probably another ex-drug addict girl with tat's all up and down her ass, along with her slouch of a boyfriend. Or maybe, in celebration of multiculturalism, a nice Muslim couple for a change, with her walking around in a sexy burka all day. That's probably more in line with what your in for. Or it could just be,.. NEW! Abdul Abdullah and Sheep. "Baaaah" Now that's a real conversation piece there!
  7. I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard,.. I know he's really going to miss that leg of hers.
  8. She's going about this at a pretty good clip. This girl is on a cock mission.
  9. Now my little yacht spoof no longer seems so far off, with Paul being tossed over board and all. In fact it's almost prophetic when you think of it. She's going to need help carrying all her things. Lets see, if RLC doesn't just pull the plug first, who will help her. Will it be Pepe, or maybe Squirrel, or will it be some rough neck Russian dock worker, already half drunk on vodka.
  10. Yeah, I know. Paul no longer has his hook in her. If you know what I mean.
  11. Alright doll, best wishes for you. I heard her chuckle, probably over what I said about the song, or maybe the guitar. But she is monitoring what's going on. She always was a bit of a showman when it came to things.
  12. Newbies will be crying for a month. I wonder if RLC will pull the plug on the apartment before we get a chance to glimpse her new lover coming to retrieve her at the door. If I know this girl, she'll want to leave on a bang.
  13. !!!SAD CUNT ALERT!!! What are you saying exactly? Are you saying it's that time of the month for you again? I've stepped on worms and watched them squirm before in my life. Just like I'd like to step on you.
  14. Fuck you punk. We don't give a shit what a sanctimonious hypocrite like yourself has to say. And we sure as hell don't come here to have to hear it. You pop in from out of nowhere just to mock and criticize us, just because it makes you feel somehow superior to the rest of us. Well take a hike mother fucker, we don't know you, and don't care to know you. And while its only twelve dollars that's required to help keep this forum going. Your a fucking mooch, and someone needs to start weeding out these mooches around here, and quick! Put your money where your mouth is punk, or get lost.
  15. Just another pre-pubescent Newbie, that takes everything so much to heart. And your writing is pretty juvenile as well. I'm just going to take a guess,.. 12 ?
  16. It seems like the world just keeps changing, but never for the better. Good luck, StnCld316 By the way, I always wondered,.. Is your avatar StnCld316 an abbreviation for Stone Cold 316? Or is it a reference to a penal code for the criminal justice system? "Penal code StnCld316 clearly states that it is prohibited for you or your friends to go about and fuck your neighbors wife, while the old man is out." I watched a lot of "Law and Order".
  17. The way RLC is approaching this thing anymore. The only free room in their new apartment will probably be a utility closet. Look,.. They know that Leora is the main draw there at RLC. So if they make it to where only subscribers get to see her naked on a couch, or prancing around in the living room, they no doubt feel that they will force more people to pay up. Think Demid and Dasha. ( A worthless couple) But outside of their bullshit kitchen, you see nothing.
  18. Translation: Man,.. What a sin. There's that beautiful, sexy girl, having to masturbate in order to satisfy herself. Leora needs to find a real man for a boyfriend, and I mean pronto! Instead of still wasting her time with that thick headed cantaloupe she currently has.
  19. Would love to know what her thoughts were during all of this. But it's a pretty safe bet they weren't of Paul. I think she probably read my letter. "I am here for you my little babushka."
  20. Hey Pepe, and Foamy, Do you think maybe she read my letter? After all, she did go out her window, and I told her that I was there for her under her veranda. "I await you my little babushka." "Your prince hath commeth, with rope in hand." (Now watch, some imbecilic 'Newbie' is going to probably take this post seriously. Sometimes they can really put a crimp in your style.)
  21. Why don't you go fuck yourself. We don't seek your approval in life for what we do. And if you care to be here on this forum, why don't you pay the customary twelve dollars, instead of freeloading like some flea on a dogs back?
  22. Actually I feel pretty good. Getting stronger by the minute.
  23. Well said Van. I've seen some in my past with shoulder's that look like those of a professional wrestler, or that looked as though they could crack walnuts within their bare hands.
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