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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. I'm half surprised that this college, and the imbecilic student body, even let him speak there. Most of the time whenever a conservative is scheduled to speak at one of our institutions of higher indoctrination, they are booed incessantly, or have things thrown at them. That's the intolerant hypocritical left for you.
  2. A true liberal to the core I see. Because you intolerant piece of shit, your posting on a forum that isn't provided for you by your liberal president. It cost money to operate this site.
  3. And your one of those hypocritical intolerant liberals I see. Mind your own fucking business asshole, we weren't talking to you, or your kind within our discussions here. And frankly until you pay the twelve dollars I don't really care to go round and round with yet another liberal asshole on this forum.
  4. Go fuck yourself liberal Newbie. And pay the twelve bucks like everyone else around here. Your Obama isn't going to give you a voucher for this as well.
  5. If the other conservatives justices there saw it as unconstitutional, what was his fucking problem? I'll tell you what his problem was; He was either bribed or threatened, or both. Because a ten year old who isn't a liberal asshole could tell on the surface alone that Obama care was not constitutional. And that whole act of his with,.. "Oh let me see, is it a fine, or is it a tax?" I'll use that as the excuse for my betraying the American people, and spiting on the Constitution. That doesn't fool me one bit! And no, I will not go easy on him. The founding fathers set up the three branches of our government for this very reason, so as to stop a fucking dictator in his tracks.
  6. He is as un-American as anyone can be! And yes, the Democrats would like nothing better than to be able to go after peoples personal assets. They were the party that instituted the inheritance tax. A means of picking a dead man's pocket on the money that he had already been taxed upon prior. The Democrat party and the scum that now makes up it's members are the very thing that the founding fathers had tried to protect the people from through the limiting powers of the Constitution. And that's why of course they seek to destroy the Constitution any way they can. With the help of certain cowards, and traitors like John Roberts that is. The very person who was appointed to protect that now worm eaten piece of paper, that once protected us all here in America.
  7. I didn't watch the mother fucker. I can't stand to look at him! But I could have told you he would use the fairness, ie jealousy tactic in his bullshit speech. It's quite simple really,.. He hates America, and all that it once stood for. And he'll do anything he can to weaken it, militarily, financially, and morally. Dumb down the gullible populace, and bring them under his parties yoke. Remember what his cunt wife once said,.. "I was never proud of this country until this moment." That was the day this liar, her husband, first got elected. So for all the good that this country has done for other countries, not to mention the great generosity in aid that the people of this country have always shown towards those who have suffered from Natural disasters in other parts of the world. And this bitch never had cause to be proud of this country? Then why don't you and that wanna-be dictator of yours get the hell out of it then?
  8. And just as Karen has alluded to. He doesn't inspire anyone to get off their lazy asses, and to try to accomplish something that might improve their own lot in life. But rather he tactically appeals to their deep seeded jealousies over those who have done well in their lives instead. And yeah, you do wonder what's coming next concerning the Democrats. Maybe another Wiener type, who will then send all the young girls in this country a signed picture of his presidential dick. What a party of creeps they have become. "The bug-eyed mental case, or the squaw?" LOL! Love it!
  9. I hate the mother fucker so much I can't even make light of it. To me, he's just a punk! But I guess he managed to get that sheltered, suburbia putz, John Roberts quaking in his pants. "Oh yes sir Mr. President, please don't have your goons brake my legs,.. I'll do whatever you say sir." The lying prick said he would have the most transparent administration in history. And that was the only time that he ever told the truth. For on day one, even before he even took office I saw right through him. Nothing but a con man, and schemer, with deep Muslim roots. That's what inhabits the White House right now. Maybe the cocksucker will come out and do a little soft shoe, or a tap dance for us. Oh wouldn't his Hollywood groupies just go positively ape shit over that. I could just see them now with their sweaty palms applauding wildly. And just what kind of a name is Barack anyway? It probably means, 'Found under a rock'. BARRRRACK
  10. I'm surprised that one of the networks or MTV didn't give that scuzzy bitch her own TV show. Just imagine that worthless cunt driving a Rolls, or a Bentley. But then, I've seen that before with certain rap 'Artist'.. ARTIST? Who the hell do they think they're kidding.
  11. I always liked this song. Hope you do too.
  12. I thought this was Ron Howard at first. He went from Opie to opiates.
  13. Alright,.. Here's the funny version. Got a laugh out of me anyways. I think he called him a pussy, just before he shot him dead in the mud. Ah Feleena,.. My cigar box woman.
  14. I for one won't be watching the Obama Hour comedy show. After all, what can an eggplant possibly say that I care to hear? http://idata.over-blog.com/2/17/55/82/Images-droles-et-insolites-1801-2000/aubegine-humaine.jpg "Um, um, And as your um executive Eggplant I intend to um um transform this garden." "See that tomato,.. You didn't grow that!"
  15. Now I want you to know. That had I had any kids in my life, I would first, make sure that he or she attended a private school, so that they wouldn't contract ringworms or bring home any lice. Second, I would make damn sure they didn't know nearly half of what my good friends here might know concerning my wayward, hoodlum days when I was young. Well, maybe just a tiny little bit here and there, so that they wouldn't just grow up thinking that their old man was a total square. And also so that they wouldn't get any fancy idea's of stabbing me in my sleep for their inheritance money. (Not a smart move kids) And lastly, I would make damn sure that they would not go down the same paths that I once walked when I was young. Period!
  16. In junior high we had to take typing. I couldn't stand having to listen to forty manual typewriters all clacking away at the same time. So I threw my typewriter out the fucking window, and was kicked out of that class as well. My tactic worked! It usually did back then. They eventually tried to get me expelled from school altogether, even before I turned sixteen. That's a story and a half just begging to be told. Another epic scene embedded in my memoires from my early years. And as you can see, my lack of typing skills hasn't impeded my ability to hurl up certain vulgarities or obscenities here on this august forum one bit. So no great loss there.
  17. Yeah Hank, that suuure is a purdy song. Now don't go sticking no gun in my ribs friend, cause I's got a twitchy finger myself.
  18. If you kill them first, you can take care of the rest at leisure.
  19. In Memory of a Great Man! (And no Newbies,.. the man at the piano is not Beethoven, though he does share the same sort of hair styling I suppose.)
  20. Beethoven doesn't have to roll over. Your talking about one of the original shit kickers of the times. The first Romantic, who refused to bow down to the kings and queens of Europe back then, even when they still possessed considerable power. He told this one king, "You rule your kingdom, and I'll rule mine, for kings may come and kings may go, but in all the world there is only one Beethoven." And where once he deeply admired Napoleon, and had dedicated his amazing third symphony to him which on the title page was written,.. "In memory of a great man" The minute he heard that Napoleon had just crowned himself emperor, he tore off that titled page, ripped a painting of Napoleon off his wall that Napoleon had given him, and threw it in the fireplace and shouted to his man servant to "Burn It!" And once, while in France, and while still upstairs in his room getting ready for the assembled crowd of aristocratic admirers waiting for him downstairs. He opened one of those little silver boxes there on his dresser that contained these black dots if you will, that the upper crust would often place on their face to enhance their chalk white, powdered up beauty. As the servant knocked on his door and was telling him that he must hurry, for they are growing restless in waiting. He heard Beethoven laughing to himself, almost uncontrollably. For you see, Beethoven thought, 'Hey, if one of these things should make you more beautiful, then a couple of dozen of then should make you look positively glorious.' And he plastered his face with them, thereby mocking their high fashioned customs of the times. My kind of guy! Love his music too.
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