You couldn't be more right. We play patty-cake now with our enemies. Hell, we don't even really acknowledge them as our enemies. Too timid and afraid to even do that.
Political Correctness has made fools and cowards of our so called leaders anymore. And to fall for such a simple ploy as that ridiculous catch phrase is, just shows you how timid, or weak minded these charlatans in the political arena truly are.
Political Correctness, is nothing more than a 'Political Contrivance' brought about by some pencil neck liberal with the sole aim of making others too afraid to ever speak the truth or to even voice their own opinion.
It's the old story of "The Emperor's New Clothes". And now we have the liars in the Democrat party still railing on about 'Global Warming',.. They have been trying to brainwash the young with that since the late sixties, only now they discovered that the world is actually cooling, so they now call it 'Climate Change.'
That's that old child's story of "Chicken Little". Remember? The one where the one frantic chick went running around crying "The sky is falling,.. The sky is falling" Which of course wasn't the case.
So, these imbeciles that give an ear to these deceivers within the Democrat party, are what they count on in being able to manipulate into voting for them.
JFK junior recently said,.. "The people who didn't believe in climate change should be arrested". A true liberal through and through. Trying to bully, or intimidate, or put fear into the populace that opposed them.
So I say,.. Take your political corruption or correctness as you call it and shove it all the way up your fucking ass. And to the others I say,.. Just remember this,..
It is through fear and cowardice that dictators manage to enslave the people. And that is the hope of the Democrat party. To ultimately make it near impossible for a conservative, or even a Republican to ever get elected again.