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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. Yeah, It's a little syrupy. But hey, I've got some barriers that I need to punch through. And besides maybe she will dwell upon this the next time she begins to twiddle herself. It was worth a try. I mean,.. What would you have me do? Just start it off with,.. "Come to me, you little babushka?" Somehow, I don't think that that would ever have moved her. Or her hand for that matter.
  2. In case you should happen to peer over the ledge and see this. ______________________________~________________________________ Dear Leora, In many ways I feel much the same as that once legendary lover, Cyrano de Bergerac. For I am obscured by the shadows that now enshroud this love that I do hold for you. Oh I know that in the past I have wounded you, and made you cry with certain comments concerning you and a house of mirrors at the carnival. And I know that I was also a little rough on Paul as well. But if I could ever untangle this knot from within my heart, and speak of those things under the cover of darkness, you would know just how much I want to run my hands up and down that silky smooth skin of yours. Just how much I want to run my fingers through your hair, or see it now extended above your soft white pillow. If you would but say the word, I would wrap you in happiness, and you would come face to face with yet another reflection of that of your own hidden fantasy. And just as a man who would hold you fast and that you would know down deep inside will not be denied. Yet too you would also know of a man who down deep inside does truly loves you. Oh Leora, If I could but lift this fog from the past, and pin you down, even as you then squirm and quiver beneath me, you would know that I do so love you. And even upon the calm still waters of time, or in those quiet moments as I now cradle you in my arms, you will know just how strong this love is. Till then my sweet Juliet, I will play your Romeo, while I yet linger so longingly under your veranda. With an undaunted heart, and a rope, I meant hope, Your devoted Woody
  3. No argument there. But I would hardly call him a bad boy. Not with that baby-face of his. But yes, girls do like a guy with an edge to them. But Efim is more like a butter knife to me.
  4. Yes, that is exactly the problem. And your "defense" can never be wrong and unjustified, because you have the infallible knowledge of the Supreme Court. I guess you are also in favour of death sentence. By the way,I have heard that in the U.S. the members of the Supreme Court are chosen on political grounds - if the conservatives have majority in Senate, that applies to Supreme Court as well. I could never accept political grounds in the judicial system, that is totally against the principles of fair legal processing. You don't know what the fuck your talking about. The Conservatives expect the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution. Whereas, the liberals on the court keep trying to legislate through the bench. The Supreme Court is only supposed to interpret the Constitution, not legislate or make new laws. You liberals are just a bunch of naïve children. So infantile, that it's positively scary.
  5. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be your wives or girlfriends, or have to depend on you to protect me. But then again, you might well be a girl. And what does a girl do when she meets a person that means her great harm or danger? Usually nothing, she just screams. Is that your idea of defense? Or how about dialing 911,.. I'm sure your attacker will wait for you.
  6. I don't give a flying fuck about your bullshit statistics. My first line of defense is myself. Nuff said.
  7. Hopefully concerning this topic, this will be my last comment, as I have no intentions of banging my head against the wall in trying to make some liberal see the light. But this one is a heart warming story of a 16 year old girl, who remembered what her father had taught her. She had a baby, and was huddled up in her bedroom closet with her child both frightened and alone when two men had forced their way into her fathers home. She was on the phone with a 911 operator, who was a woman. And in a shaky, frightened manner she asked the operator if it was alright to shoot them. And the woman on the phone said, "You have yourself and a child to look after, and if he comes into your room, you do whatever is necessary to protect yourself." Her father had showed her how to shoot that twelve gauge shotgun. And when the asshole came into her bedroom and opened up the closet door, both she and that shotgun both said hello, and blew that cocksucker in half while sending the other creep running for the door. She was a very good girl,.. She had remembered what her father, (A Man), had taught her.
  8. If this girl would have been my girlfriend,.. She would still be alive today. See the difference? I was never just some little boy, just skipping down the streets with a daisy grit between my teeth. I am not some naïve, snot nose little liberal. I am a man, who actually knows better.
  9. As I've said, there are hundreds of such cases that the liberal media refuses to report on, because it doesn't fit into their own idiotic agenda. Thankfully Fox News isn't quite that liberal. There was this white college kid who was gunned down by these three black boys, and the whole thing was actually captured on a surveillance camera. (By the way, the Black boys in this case didn't obtain their guns legally) Anyway, This is normally the type of news that the news media would celibate over, or would even pay money to show on their evening news cast. And it took place near the same time as the Travon Martin crap did. (Oh they had plenty to say about that) So why didn't they show it, or even mention it? Why was it necessary for only the conservative talk shows on the radio to break the news? Because it was a white kid that got killed by blacks, yet again. But whether the assailant is black, white, green, or polka dot, you have to be able to protect yourself and those of others who might actually call you Daddy, or Sweetheart. Get it? My guess is probably not.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofxibV6uWTs Just watch and learn, little boy.
  11. Your free to believe what you want. But to me a man should always be able to protect himself, but even more importantly that of his wife and children from those who would otherwise do them harm. I'm a man, I can't help it,.. I always have been since my early teens while growing up in Detroit. But you don't have to grow up in a shit hole like Detroit to realize that it is always better to learn how to depend upon yourself to protect those that you love, rather than dialing the police, (Another man with a gun) and waiting the sometimes two and a half hours for them to arrive and protect your wife and children. To me, the man should have been standing much closer to them, and should have been someone that they, (Those that you propose to love) could count on. Hell, otherwise, maybe your wife should just spend the night with the cop instead, at least she might feel some kind of respect for him. Look,.. You'll never understand me, and I'll never understand you. But I don't just place those people I care about at the mercy of rapist, kidnappers, or murderers, on the hopes that maybe if you just beg them hard enough they may just be content with depriving you of your own self-respect. And your whole logic is faulty. Drugs are illegal, and yet the criminal always manages to procure them. And likewise the same with illegal gun purchases. So why should you be the one that is left totally defenseless, while the rapist, kidnappers, and murders all have guns? So much for your nonsense of a gun free, safe society.
  12. Don't ever trust a liberal. As you and I already know, their main aim when it comes to gun control, is to leave the people defenseless and unable to resist their ultimate tyrannical rule that they are seeking to gain over others. Nothing but liars and deceivers, that's all that they are. For the most part it is the women and children (College Students) that are stupidly lulled into supporting them. And these liberals are also exploitive, cheap opportunist, who will take a situation or tragedy, and then will use that event such as this one here to insert their filthy tactics and line script for the gullible to then latch onto. I hate those liberal bastards, and the mass media that promotes their liberal poison more than I could ever express with just a human tongue. (And thus by such means they till the Devil's field)
  13. No, he doesn't,.. He is very slow to catch on. If he were to suddenly walk in on Leora while she was in the middle of getting her brains fuck out by some other guy, he would probably say,.. "Gee Leora,.. Is there something going on with you and somebody else?" ________________________________ {And as the sounds of her new lovers flesh is slapping up against her ass,.. her little toes now wiggling in the air, amidst the labored breathing and heavy panting, she manages to get out in a jerky, broken manner.} "Why Pauuu,..aul aul aul aul.. Wa, wa wa,.. Oooooo Daddy,.. Wa wa wa wa ma ma ma makes you assssssk that?" {As she then erupts into the grand finale' }.. "Ay Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee oooooooooooooo." {And then gently slips into a state of half-consciousness and pure exhaustion.} Paul: "I dunno,.. It's jest that you bin acting strange lately,.. that's all."
  14. Leora's Letter to Santa Claus Dear Santa, Please send me a man. Preferably one that doesn't have a dick in the shape of a candy cane. I haven't had much luck with the last one. Oh, And I'm sorry to hear about Mrs. Claus and one of the reindeers. Aside from the act itself being positively revolting,.. You deserve better than that. PS. I have been a very good girl. But I'm hoping that your gift will change all that. Very Sincerely, Leora XX OO ______________________________________________________________________________________ From Santa, Dear Leora, Thank you for your lovely letter. And do not be concerned for me, that reindeer ended up tasting very good, even though I had received some nasty letters from certain PETA members. But Ho Ho Ho, they can go fuck themselves. So please let everyone know that my sleigh may be running a little slower this year. But not to worry, I won't forget you. For unlike that imbecile you currently are with, I know what a good little girl like you really needs. So, Goodnight doll, and Merry Christmas, Santa
  15. After Leora finally does leave Paul, he quickly races to the phone to order himself a sex doll. Paul: "HOW MUCH!",.. "Well, how much for just a leg then?"
  16. She's a settler, the type of girl that will settle for any guy. And the oaf she currently has, hasn't got a clue.
  17. . . . . . . Like when you were little and had the Measles, just not up for anything just yet. :-[ . . . . . . . . . . . . . And right now, there is probably some Newbie out there trying to play connect the dots here. Can't you just see them with their crayon in their hands fucking up their daddy's computer.
  18. That night that we set all those ponies free. Well, I left something out that took place just before we went about liberating them. The whole thing was of course in retaliation for the boss man firing Tom. Tom wasn't with us that night, but was out establishing an alibi. Anyway, John Morosco, just had to try to ride this stout little pony bare back just prior. The little pony did not like it, and reared up with some noise and threw him off. He landed on his ass, but looked at us and laughed, but what he didn't know, and what we never did tell him, was that while he was there on his ass looking at us and laughing, the pony kicked and only missed his head by an inch. And I do mean an inch! It would have surely killed him. And he wasn't even aware of it. And we left it that way. Whew,.. That was a close one. Moral to the story: Cute as they are, DO NOT FUCK WITH THE PONIES! Also,.. Don't drink while you ride. Oh, And that includes fucking as well. Ponies and horses don't care much for that either. Are you listening Ozi? ;)
  19. Good to know. We'll make sure you are the first to be notified when they finally get rid of Leora and Paul, though she'll probably outlast us all. The thought of them having to pay their own electric bill will keep there for quite a while, I'm sure.
  20. Your in safe company Pepe'. I think most of the people here could see that you were being rightfully sarcastic.
  21. When I was little I wanted a pony. Now that I'm older I want a ponygirl. See, Things haven't changed all that much for me. :) Ah, there's nothing like the sweet smell of hay in the morning.
  22. I know a guy that breeds snakes for pets, very popular in Australia with almost as many kept as there are cats and dogs. Good for apartment living, no barking, don't have to take them for walks and you only have to feed them once a month. Anyway, he has hundreds of them and it's more of a hobby that makes a few dollars, so I asked him how he can afford to feed them and he said he uses the classified ads. Apparently there are dozens of people advertising kittens free to good homes every week. How funny. Just imagine a snake on a leash. "Sit snake!' "Sit",.. "Now roll over" "Good snake" But I have to tell you,.. I really, really hate snakes. "No little kittens for you, you naughty little snake."
  23. Shssss, Don't wake him up. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but the poor guy just can't handle the night life the way that he used to. And I guess rummaging around in those old attics all day can leave you feeling pretty hemmed in at times, and with the lights of the big city and all, not to mention all those loose women,.. Well, I guess I can understand. But that picture is definitely not his best side though.
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