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Everything posted by woodworker

  1. When I was eighteen, I had these two cute twin sisters right there at the foot of my bed. They both were attracted to me, but as I laid back on the bed with a smile and patted it gently in a welcoming gesture. They both just giggled and looked at each other, but then they just shook their heads no. I didn't press the matter, so it never happened. It was funny though, for one brief moment I thought I had them.
  2. Unfortunately, Until I see something tangible and uplifting occur, I'll have to wait before I start to feel like singing. With the governmental leaders of Europe and England being the socialist liberal traitors that they are, they would only turn the police and the military's guns against the true patriotic citizens there, and do whatever they could to publicly condemn these protesters and rioters for wanting to hurt those innocent, lovable Muslims that keep sending them their money. What the patriots there need to do, is to solicit the support of whatever remaining patriotic generals they may yet still have, so that their army and their guns won't be trained on the very people who are fighting to protect their own national sovereignty. Otherwise, it will only be a fun time in the streets for a little while, but in the end accomplishing nothing. You have to remove the traitors first, if you want to get rid of the Muslims there and regain your lost heritage back! That's the way I see it.
  3. Laproaig and I both miss Pepe'. Poor Pepe' has been working so hard and hasn't been around very much. I like Pepe'. You might remember that I came close to shooting one of his relatives once a long time ago, back in the woods of Michigan. I sure am glad that I didn't though. Good o'l prudence stepped in. But for a brief moment there it was a true Mexican stand off! Me, with my shotgun barrel aimed squarely at his ass, and Him, vice versa. A real tense moment for both of us. And had I squeezed the trigger, I know that it would have been a stinking mess for the both of us. But I lowered the barrel, and he lowered his tail, and we both walked away unscathed. I remembered that I thought well of him for that too. He used prudence too. A damn decent skunk when you think of it.
  4. Well, That explains the reason why you seem ready to pounce.
  5. Where the fuck did you get that one from Foamy? I nearly spilled my drink over that one. I'm guessing the tree he was in was probably struck by lightning. How funny. That fucker looks like he's still ready to pounce.
  6. I noticed that it's getting difficult to delete anymore. I hope that isn't shades of things to come. Because I tend to delete certain things at times. The same way I toss out stale bread, or old newspapers. So I wonder what's up with that now?
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbO2_077ixs
  8. Good o'l white blood cells. They don't care. They spit in the face of liberals and their political correctness lunacy. And do you remember when it was a mark of sophistication to be a discriminating man? I know that when I go into a cigar store, I don't just reach into some old pickle barrel and pull out just any old cigar. Instead, I look them over carefully, with a discriminating eye, for the ones that I think would suit me best. Then there's that nasty word 'Segregation'. Of course we need to segregate things. You wouldn't want the zoo keepers to put a monkey in a tigers cage would you? Even though I'm sure doing so would bring up zoo attendance quite a bit, and could be fun for a while. But then soon you will run out of monkeys. High explosives also need to be segregated as well. Let me see, am I forgetting something?
  9. In reply to Ozi's last post: "What the fuck is happening to my country?" We true Americans feel the same way. And even though I know that you already realize this, I will state this simple truth all the same. After all, Albert Einstein once said that we should make everything as simple as possible. So how's this for simplicity,.. When a virus or germ invades the human body, the white blood cells don't enter into a conversation with those germs, they simply set out to destroy them. If they didn't, just as with an AIDS victim, who has no immunity to fight off these deadly entities, you would die. It is much the same way when it comes to a country.
  10. Hey, I just noticed your stars turned blue. Very pretty. And a Global Moderator no less. I think it's great! I think they should add a new red star, like a notch in the handle of a gun, every time you trounce someone. Preferably a liberal. ;D I know, I know,.. You have to play by the rules. 'Wink wink' ;) Just kidding.
  11. I honestly was thinking of you when I posted it. I knew that if anybody would appreciate it, you would.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXZ0axhWoZU From Honorable Woodysan
  13. Back then, we were tough as nails, and hammered just as hard. But we did a little pounding of our own. Sounds like the opening to the story I never wrote.
  14. I know that there has to be some Russian guys out there that I could nod my head to out of respect. But I haven't seen one yet as far as RLC is concerned that I would even care to be around. So if Diana's tears are based upon him, as opposed to something truly tragic,.. then she just needs to wash her face, grow up, and be done with him. But I doubt that she will. Most likely she'll soon be assuming the position once more, and just taking it up the ass once again.
  15. Karen,.. Don't worry about the twelve dollars. I would gladly pick up the tab for you. Just say the word doll,.. It would be money well spent as far as I am concern. And just remember,.. You have friends here. PS. Oh I know that you can afford it, and that you were probably just frustrated by the usual things that seems to fuck with our heads at time. But there are some savvy people here that can help you get back in.
  16. You don't have to tell me my friend, I see the writing on the wall. As you now have these sell out politicians that take money from these Islamic groups, and then go about to do their bidding for them. Even the enemies of these countries know just how corrupt these traitors truly are. The whole thing makes me sick!
  17. When they start to interrupt your free viewing with commercials, then you will have something to complain about. And just as Leora is in the throes of climaxing while twiddling herself on the couch, Comes.. "We interrupt this program to bring you some exciting news in hemorrhoid relief."
  18. I am almost never awake during the times that things might be happening. So even if I were that interested in the big events when they do occur, which I'm not, I would probably be asleep or pre-occupied when they took place anyway.
  19. Yeah, She's a Showgirl alright,.. But so what. In fact I fully expect her to come out one day sporting a feathered head dress and doing the 'Can Can' right there on the living room floor for you all. For she is a dedicated performer,.. And you know what they say,.. The show must go on.
  20. And of course they're inverted. It's all part of the process of ripping the asshole out of the pig. Which is a tough job by the way. But bone? You've got to be kidding me. What bone? Unless they mean maybe some butchers severed finger or something, I'm sort of puzzled over that one.
  21. The label say's 'export'. No doubt a humanitarian gesture, heading on its way to feed some poor hungry Muslim in Afghanistan. Inverted to make them even tastier. "Here ya go boys, eat hearty."
  22. Well at least she had the good sense not to make her bed in a pine tree. Some of those pine needles can keep you tossing and turning all night.
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